--- _id: ig00113170 data: cataloguing_level: minimal date_of_item_single_date: 1499 dimensions: 8° holdings: - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MunchenBSB holding_institution_name: München BSB id_assigned_by: Uk-IS imprint: - geo_info: - geonames_id: 2875601 imprint_country_code: DE lat: 53.8688888888889 lon: 10.6872222222222 imprint_date: 1499 imprint_name: Stephanus Arndes imprint_place: Lübeck language_of_item: ger material_type: monograph notes: - Woodcuts references: - reference_location_in_source: 7512 reference_name: H - reference_location_in_source: 311 reference_name: Borchling & Claussen - reference_location_in_source: 4084 reference_name: Schr - reference_location_in_source: 'XI 1048, 1074, 1076, 1080' reference_name: Schramm - reference_location_in_source: G-54 reference_name: BSB-Ink - reference_location_in_source: 13011 reference_name: GW related_resources: - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München' resource_type: digital resource_url: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00027302-6 - resource_name: 'Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1996. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 19 - Printing in the Baltic Area Part II, BA 107' resource_type: other title: 'Gebetbuch [Low German] Bedeboek: Seven tyde Unser Liever Vrauwen (Horae)' meta: date_of_cataloguing: 920127 history: - timestamp: 2016-07-13T12:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2021-03-26T09:28:28 - timestamp: 2025-01-24T19:30:00.00Z