--- _id: ie00109200 data: cataloguing_level: full date_of_item_single_date: 1494 dimensions: 4° holdings: - copy_note: - 70.4.F.42 country_code: IT holding_institution_id: RomaN holding_institution_name: Roma N id_assigned_by: Uk-IS imprint: - geo_info: - geonames_id: 6542283 imprint_country_code: IT lat: 45.46 lon: 9.19 imprint_date: '1494]' imprint_name: 'Philippus de Mantegatiis, Cassanus' imprint_place: '[Milan' language_of_item: ita material_type: monograph references: - reference_location_in_source: 155 with plate reference_name: Martini(C) - reference_location_in_source: 3715 reference_name: IGI - reference_location_in_source: 9393 reference_name: GW related_resources: - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile : Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma, Roma (BEIC)' resource_type: digital resource_url: http://gutenberg.beic.it/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=476540&custom_att_2=simple_viewer&pds_handle= - resource_name: 'Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2011. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 92 - Printing in Milan Part III, ML 210' resource_type: other - resource_name: 'IISTC. Copy: Roma N, 70.4.F.42' resource_type: other title: "Esortazione all'Italia: \"Italia mia di te quanto mi doglio\"" meta: date_of_cataloguing: 810914 history: - timestamp: 2016-07-13T12:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2021-03-26T09:26:48