Duranti, Guillelmus:
Rationale divinorum officiorum. Ed: Johannes Aloisius Tuscanus
ISTC No.id00437000
AuthorDuranti, Guillelmus
TitleRationale divinorum officiorum. Ed: Johannes Aloisius Tuscanus
ImprintVenice : Simon Bevilaqua, 14 Mar. 1494
NotesBL copy has a different make-up from the GW description, being a-gÔ,h-lÒ,m-tÔ,uÒ. 150 leaves, 1-149 so numbered. The Rubrice are printed on u6
Language of itemlat
Reference worksGoff: Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood (N.Y.), 1973. (Reproduced from the annotated copy of the original edition (New York, 1964) maintained by Goff). (Supplement. New York, 1972.) D437
HR: Reichling, Dietrich. Appendices ad Hainii … Repertorium Bibliographicum. Emendationes. 6 vols & index. Monachii, 1905-11. (Supplement, Monasterii, 1914.) 6498
Sander: Sander, Max. Le livre à figures italien depuis 1467 jusqu’en 1530: essai de sa bibliographie et de son histoire. 6 vols. New York, 1941. 2516
Girard: Girard, Alain. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.IV: Bibliothèques de la Région Basse-Normandie. Bordeaux, 1984. 180
Torchet: Torchet, Louis. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.V: Bibliothèques de la Région des Pays de la Loire. Bordeaux, 1987. 329
IBE: Biblioteca Nacional [Madrid]. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas. Coordinado y dirigido por Francisco García Craviotto. 2 vols. Madrid, 1989-90. (Adiciones y correcciones. I-II, Madrid, 1991-94). 2238
IGI: Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. Compilato da T.M. Guarnaschelli e E. Valenziani [et al.]. 6 vols. Roma, 1943-81. 3642
SI: Undorf, Wolfgang. Catalogue of books printed in the 15th century in Swedish collections. 2 vols. Wiesbaden, 2012. 1423
Sallander: Sallander, Hans. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Universitäts-Bibliothek zu Uppsala. 1) Neuerwerbungen seit dem Jahre 1907. Uppsala, 1953. (Bibliotheca Ekmaniana, 59). 2) Neuerwerbungen der Jahre 1954-64. Uppsala, 1965. (Bibliotheca Ekmaniana, 63). 2191
Madsen: Madsen, Viktor. Katalog over det Kongelige Biblioteks inkunabler. 3 vols. København, 1935-63. (P.R. Jorgensen. ‘Nye inkunabler … ’. Fund og Forskning 30 (1991) pp.133-38.) 1478
Sack(Freiburg): Sack, Vera. Die Inkunabeln der Universitätsbibliothek und anderer öffentlicher Sammlungen in Freiburg im Breisgau und Umgebung. 3 vols. Wiesbaden, 1985. 1331
Walsh: Walsh, James E. A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the Harvard University Library. 5 vols. Binghamton NY, Tempe AZ, 1991-95. (Supplement ... , by David R. Whitesell. Harvard Library Bulletin 16 nos. 1-2 (2005)). 2515
Pr: Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. (Part II, MDI-MDXX, Germany, London, 1903). 5384A
BMC: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum [British Library]. 13 parts. London, ’t Goy-Houten, 1963-2007. (Pts I-IX reproduced from the working copies of the original edition (London, 1908-62) annotated at the Museum). V 518
GW: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. I [etc.] Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. (Vols. 1-7 reproduced with additions and corrections from the original edition (Leipzig, etc., 1925-38)). [See also GW Manuskript - GW M: http://www.gesamtkatalogderwiegendrucke.de] 9138
AustriaKlosterneuburg, Chorherren, Stiftsbibliothek
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Ink 14.E.1)
CanadaOttawa ON, Library and Archives Canada
CroatiaŠibenik, Hrvatsko nacionalno svetište sv. Nikole Tavelića, Biblioteka sv. Frane
DenmarkKøbenhavn, Det Kgl. Bibliotek
FranceLaval, Archives départementales (var, Falaise BM in 1981)
GermanyFreiburg im Breisgau, Universitätsbibliothek
Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Bibliothek (copy lost?)
ItalyAgugliano C
Asti, Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile
Bologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell'Archiginnasio
Dongo Franc
Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Inc. 3.41)
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Magl. E.2.32 (b)
Foligno, Biblioteca Lodovico Jacobilli della Diocesi di Foligno
Genova, Biblioteca Civica Berio
Milano, Archivio Storico Civico e Biblioteca Trivulziana
Milano, Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense
Palermo, Biblioteca Comunale (wanting ff.1-2)
Pavia, Biblioteca Universitaria di Pavia - MiBACT
Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense (Vol. Inc. 838)
Roma, Biblioteca dell'Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei e Corsiniana (48.C.15)
Rovigo, Biblioteca Accademia dei Concordi
Trento, Fondazione Biblioteca San Bernardino
Treviso, Biblioteca Comunale di Borgo Cavour
Urbino, Biblioteca centrale dell'Università degli studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (imperfect)
SpainBarcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya
Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública
SwedenUppsala, Universitetsbibliotek
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLondon, British Library (IB.23934)
United States of AmericaAlbany NY, New York State Library
Austin TX, University of Texas, Harry Ransom Center (Incun 1494 D87r)
Bryn Mawr PA, Bryn Mawr College, Canaday Library (2)
Cambridge MA, Harvard University, Law School Library
Lawrence KS, University of Kansas, Spencer Library
Los Angeles CA, University of California
Madison NJ, Drew University, Rose Memorial Library
New York NY, Public Library, Rare Book Division
New York, Columbia University, Avery Library
St John's Univ. Library, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library
Number of holding institutions40
Last Edit2024-12-19 12:00:00.00