Brunus Aretinus, Leonardus:
Aquila volante (With additions by Allegrettus Salensis)
ISTC No.ib01233100
AuthorBrunus Aretinus, Leonardus
TitleAquila volante (With additions by Allegrettus Salensis)
ImprintVenice : Theodorus de Ragazonibus, 28 June 1497
NotesWrongly attributed to Leonardus Brunus
Language of itemita
Reference worksGoff B1233a; HCR 1580; Pell 1126; IGI 2187; Šimáková-Vrchotka 496; Voull(B) 4322; Bod-inc B-586; Sheppard 4351; Pr 5272; BMC V 479; BSB-Ink B-935.050; GW 5652
AustriaWien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Ink 17.F.10) (GW 5652 Anm., wanting f.126, blank)
Czech RepublicKynžvart, Státní zámek, Knihovna
GermanyMainz, Gutenberg-Museum (2 leaves only, GM-Ink.744a+b)
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (1 leaf only)
ItalyCostabissara Calgaro *BP (imperfect)
Firenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Pal. D.7.3.10)
Genova, Biblioteca Provinciale dei Cappuccini
Napoli, Biblioteca nazionale Vittorio Emanuele III
Parma, Biblioteca Palatina
Roma, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II (70.7.G.26 imperfect)
Venezia Andrighetti Zon Marcello
Venezia Franc S Michele
Venezia, Biblioteca del Museo Correr
Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana
Vincenza, Seminario vescovile
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandChatsworth, Chatsworth House, Devonshire Collections, Library
London, British Library (IB.23568)
Oxford, Bodleian Library (Inc. c. I4.1497.1.)
United States of AmericaNew Haven CT, Yale University, Beinecke Library
Urbana-Champaign IL, University of Illinois, University Library
Number of holding institutions20
Last Edit2024-12-19 12:00:00.00