Bonaventura, S:
Diaeta salutis. Add: Devota contemplatio, seu meditatio de nativitate domini. Pseudo- Bonaventura, De resurrectione a peccato ad gratiam
ISTC No.ib00877400
AuthorBonaventura, S
TitleDiaeta salutis. Add: Devota contemplatio, seu meditatio de nativitate domini. Pseudo- Bonaventura, De resurrectione a peccato ad gratiam
ImprintParis : Pierre Le Dru, for Denis Roce, [about 1496]
Imprint[about 1500]
NotesDated by Hillard from the state of Roce's device. GW and Polain date about 1500. Hillard transcribes the title-page, not described in GW
The true author of the Diaeta is Guillelmus de Lavicea or Lanicia, and of the Devota contemplatio Johannes de Caulibus (Hillard 453)
Language of itemlat
BelgiumSint-Truiden, O.F.M. (imperfect, wanting leaf 99)
FranceParis Sém. Missions étr
Paris, Bibliothèque Mazarine
Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France (imperfect)
HungaryBudapest, Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLondon, Heythrop Library (wanting a1)
Rochdale, Rochdale Arts & Heritage Resource Centre
Number of holding institutions7
Last Edit2024-05-03 12:00:00.00