--- _id: ib00613000 data: cataloguing_level: full date_of_item_single_date: 1485 dimensions: f° holdings: - copy_note: - '2, 1 Bible Society, 1 II only' country_code: GB holding_institution_id: CambridgeUL holding_institution_name: Cambridge UL - copy_note: - I-III country_code: GB holding_institution_id: CambridgeTrinityCollege holding_institution_name: 'Cambridge, Trinity College' - copy_note: - 'I, III' country_code: GB holding_institution_id: GlasgowUL holding_institution_name: Glasgow UL - copy_note: - 'I,III,IV' country_code: GB holding_institution_id: HerefordCL holding_institution_name: Hereford CL - country_code: GB holding_institution_name: Liverpool PL - country_code: GB holding_institution_id: LondonDrWilliamsLibrary holding_institution_name: "London, Dr Williams's Library" - copy_note: - I country_code: GB holding_institution_id: LondonDulwichCollege holding_institution_name: 'London, Dulwich College' - copy_note: - III country_code: GB holding_institution_id: LondonMiddleTemple holding_institution_name: 'London, Middle Temple' - copy_note: - II country_code: GB holding_institution_id: LondonWestmA holding_institution_name: 'London, Westminster Abbey' - copy_note: - '2: R76149 (II, III), SC2318D' country_code: GB holding_institution_id: ManchesterJRL holding_institution_name: Manchester JRL - copy_note: - '2, 1 II only, 1 parts of II & III, 1 fragment' country_code: GB holding_institution_id: OxfordBodley holding_institution_name: Oxford Bodley - copy_note: - III country_code: GB holding_institution_id: OxfordLincolnCollege holding_institution_name: 'Oxford, Lincoln College' - copy_note: - 'III, wanting Isaiah' country_code: GB holding_institution_id: OxfordWorcester holding_institution_name: 'Oxford, Worcester College' - copy_note: - I country_code: GB holding_institution_id: SheffieldUL holding_institution_name: Sheffield UL - copy_note: - imperfect country_code: GB holding_institution_id: TamworthCastle holding_institution_name: Tamworth Castle - copy_note: - III country_code: GB holding_institution_id: WorcesterCL holding_institution_name: Worcester CL - copy_note: - III country_code: US holding_institution_id: BaUL holding_institution_name: Baker Univ. Library - copy_note: - 'II -, IV' country_code: US holding_institution_id: BowCL holding_institution_name: Bowdoin College - copy_note: - I-III country_code: US holding_institution_id: ConSL holding_institution_name: 'Concordia Seminary, Pritzlaff Memorial Library' - country_code: US holding_institution_id: DHS(W)L holding_institution_name: 'Dominican House of Studies, Dominican Theological Library' - copy_note: - 'IV, -' country_code: US holding_institution_id: InUL holding_institution_name: 'Indiana Univ., The Lilly Library' - copy_note: - IV country_code: US holding_institution_id: NYPL holding_institution_name: 'New York Public Library, Rare Book Division' - copy_note: - III country_code: US holding_institution_id: PrinTSL holding_institution_name: 'Princeton Theological Seminary, Speer Library' - copy_note: - IV country_code: US holding_institution_id: RCL holding_institution_name: Rowfant Club - copy_note: - I country_code: US holding_institution_id: UHouL holding_institution_name: Univ. of Houston - copy_note: - I country_code: US holding_institution_id: UCalSBL holding_institution_name: Univ. of California - country_code: US holding_institution_id: UChiL holding_institution_name: Univ. of Chicago Libraries - copy_note: - III country_code: US holding_institution_id: UKanL holding_institution_name: 'Univ. of Kansas, Spencer Library' - copy_note: - III-IV country_code: US holding_institution_id: UMichL holding_institution_name: 'Univ. of Michigan, Univ. Library' - copy_note: - 'II, IV' country_code: US holding_institution_id: UNevL holding_institution_name: Univ. of Nevada - copy_note: - II country_code: US holding_institution_id: VasCL holding_institution_name: Vassar College - copy_note: - 'I, -, III' country_code: US holding_institution_id: YaleBeinecke holding_institution_name: 'Yale Univ., Beinecke Library' - copy_note: - III country_code: US holding_institution_id: JG holding_institution_name: 'Rev. James Griffith, Brooklyn NY' - copy_note: - I country_code: US holding_institution_id: RWB holding_institution_name: 'Robert Warwick Bingham, Buffalo NY' - country_code: US holding_institution_id: VK holding_institution_name: 'Van Kampen Collection, Orlando FL' - country_code: NZ holding_institution_id: AucklandPL holding_institution_name: Auckland PL - copy_note: - (II-III country_code: IL holding_institution_id: JerusalemNLI holding_institution_name: Jerusalem NLI - copy_note: - 'IV, var, imperfect' country_code: JP holding_institution_id: TenriCL holding_institution_name: Tenri Central Library - copy_note: - I country_code: NZ holding_institution_id: WellingtonATL holding_institution_name: Wellington ATL - copy_note: - III country_code: IT holding_institution_id: NotoC holding_institution_name: Noto C - copy_note: - 'I imperfect, wanting f.1' country_code: IT holding_institution_id: PalazzoloBrescia holding_institution_name: Palazzolo C - copy_note: - '4: Inc.II.177, Inc.III.383-386, Inc.II.924-925, Inc.II.926' country_code: VA holding_institution_id: VaticanoBAV holding_institution_name: Vaticano BAV - copy_note: - II country_code: ES holding_institution_id: GeronaBP holding_institution_name: Gerona BP - copy_note: - IV country_code: ES holding_institution_name: Madrid CAbog - copy_note: - 'I, imperfect, III, imperfect' country_code: ES holding_institution_id: ValladolidAgu holding_institution_name: Valladolid Agustinos - copy_note: - '2, 1 wanting I-II, IV, 1 wanting I-III, imperfect' country_code: PT holding_institution_id: LisboaBN holding_institution_name: Lisboa BN - copy_note: - 'quire [R] only of Contra perfidiam' country_code: FR holding_institution_id: ParisMazarine holding_institution_name: Paris Mazarine - copy_note: - 'IV only, imperfect' country_code: FR holding_institution_id: LaFlecheP holding_institution_name: 'La Flèche, Prytanée' - copy_note: - 'wanting I, III-IV' country_code: FR holding_institution_id: MendeBM holding_institution_name: Mende BM - copy_note: - 'I, imperfect' country_code: FR holding_institution_name: Moulins BC - copy_note: - I country_code: FR holding_institution_id: RodezBM holding_institution_name: Rodez BM - copy_note: - 'IV only, imperfect: only the 4 Gospels' country_code: FR holding_institution_name: Rouen ADSM - copy_note: - III only country_code: FR holding_institution_id: SolesmesAbbSP holding_institution_name: 'Solesmes, Abbaye Saint-Pierre' - copy_note: - imperfect country_code: FR holding_institution_id: 000000771 holding_institution_name: Strasbourg BNU - copy_note: - imperfect country_code: FR holding_institution_id: StrasbourgBGS holding_institution_name: Strasbourg BGS - country_code: FR holding_institution_id: StrasbourgBM holding_institution_name: Strasbourg BM - copy_note: - II country_code: FR holding_institution_name: Tarbes BM - copy_note: - '2, 1 I-IV, 1 III-IV' country_code: CH holding_institution_id: AarauKantB holding_institution_name: Aarau KantB - country_code: RO holding_institution_id: AlbaIuliaBatthyaneum holding_institution_name: Alba Iulia Batthyaneum - copy_note: - 'III only, imperfect' country_code: CH holding_institution_id: BadenStBib holding_institution_name: Baden StB - country_code: CH holding_institution_id: BaselUB holding_institution_name: Basel UB - copy_note: - I-III country_code: CH holding_institution_id: BeromunsterStift holding_institution_name: Beromünster Stift - copy_note: - '2: 1 II-III; 1 III only' country_code: SK holding_institution_id: BratislavaUKn holding_institution_name: Bratislava UKn - country_code: CZ holding_institution_id: BrnoUKn holding_institution_name: Brno UKn - copy_note: - 'I-III, IV imperfect' country_code: HU holding_institution_id: BudapestAcad holding_institution_name: Budapest Acad - copy_note: - III only country_code: HU holding_institution_id: BudapestBiblnat holding_institution_name: Budapest Bibl nat - copy_note: - centr II only country_code: HU holding_institution_name: Budapest Semin centr - copy_note: - '2, II-IV imperfect; 1, II only' country_code: HU holding_institution_id: BudapestUniv holding_institution_name: Budapest Univ - copy_note: - 'II, III' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: BydgoszczPL holding_institution_name: Bydgoszcz M - copy_note: - I country_code: PL holding_institution_id: BydgoszczKWUniv holding_institution_name: Bydgoszcz WSP - copy_note: - 'II-III, imperfect' country_code: CZ holding_institution_id: CeskyKrumlovZ holding_institution_name: Český Krumlov ZámKn - copy_note: - II-IV country_code: PL holding_institution_name: Cieszyn Publ - copy_note: - '2, 1 I-II and both imperfect' country_code: DK holding_institution_id: CopenhRL holding_institution_name: Copenhagen RL - copy_note: - II country_code: CH holding_institution_id: EngelbergBenedikt holding_institution_name: Engelberg Benedikt - country_code: PL holding_institution_id: GdanskPAN holding_institution_name: Gdańsk PAN - copy_note: - 'II fragment, III imperfect' country_code: HU holding_institution_id: GyongyosFranciscans holding_institution_name: Gyöngyös Bibl Bajza - copy_note: - I country_code: FI holding_institution_id: HelsinkiNL holding_institution_name: Helsinki NL - copy_note: - I-III country_code: SK holding_institution_id: KosiceArcibiskupskehoKn holding_institution_name: Košice BiskupskéhoKn - copy_note: - 'III, imperfect' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: KrakowBern holding_institution_name: Kraków Bern - copy_note: - 'II, IIi, IV' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: KrakowJ holding_institution_name: Kraków J - copy_note: - IV country_code: PL holding_institution_id: KrakowKarm holding_institution_name: Kraków Karm - copy_note: - IV only country_code: SK holding_institution_name: Kremnica Miestne pracovisko Matice slovenskej - country_code: SI holding_institution_id: LjubljanaNUK holding_institution_name: Ljubljana NUK - copy_note: - II country_code: PL holding_institution_name: Lublin UMCS - country_code: SI holding_institution_id: MariborSkA holding_institution_name: Maribor ŠkA - copy_note: - I-III country_code: SK holding_institution_id: MartinMatica holding_institution_name: Martin Matica - copy_note: - '3, 1 Dresden copy, 1 Mühlhausen copy, 1 Wernigerode copy' country_code: RU holding_institution_id: MoscowSL holding_institution_name: Moscow SL - copy_note: - III country_code: PL holding_institution_id: OlsztynSem holding_institution_name: Olsztyn Sem - copy_note: - III country_code: NO holding_institution_id: OsloNL holding_institution_name: Oslo NL - copy_note: - 'II, IV' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: PelplinSem holding_institution_name: Pelplin Sem - copy_note: - 'II, imperfect' country_code: CZ holding_institution_id: PlzenSVK holding_institution_name: Plzeň SVKn - copy_note: - '3, 1 IV, 1 I,IV, 1 I' country_code: CZ holding_institution_id: PragueNL holding_institution_name: Prague NL - country_code: CZ holding_institution_id: PragueNM holding_institution_name: Prague NM - copy_note: - 'III, imperfect' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: PoznanArchdiocesanArch holding_institution_name: Poznań AA - copy_note: - IV country_code: PL holding_institution_id: PoznanRacz holding_institution_name: Poznań Racz - country_code: SI holding_institution_id: SkofjaLokaKS holding_institution_name: Škofja Loka K - country_code: RU holding_institution_id: StPetersburgNL holding_institution_name: St Petersburg NL - country_code: SE holding_institution_name: Skara StB - copy_note: - I only country_code: SK holding_institution_name: Spišské Podhradie Kap - copy_note: - 'I, imperfect' country_code: SE holding_institution_id: StockholmRL holding_institution_name: Stockholm RL - copy_note: - I country_code: PL holding_institution_name: Świdnica Par - copy_note: - II country_code: PL holding_institution_name: Szczecin WM - copy_note: - 'I, imperfect' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: TorunUL holding_institution_name: Toruń U - copy_note: - 2 IV country_code: PL holding_institution_id: WarsawN holding_institution_name: Warsaw N - copy_note: - 'I, III, Imperfect' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: WloclawekSem holding_institution_name: Włocławek Sem - copy_note: - '2: 1 II, III, IV imperfect; 1 II, III, IV fragment' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: WroclawAACL holding_institution_name: Wrocław Kap - copy_note: - 'IV, imperfect' country_code: PL holding_institution_id: WroclawO holding_institution_name: Wrocław O - copy_note: - II only country_code: CH holding_institution_id: ZofingenStB holding_institution_name: Zofingen StB - copy_note: - I only; imperfect country_code: CH holding_institution_id: ZurichZB holding_institution_name: Zürich ZB - country_code: AT holding_institution_id: AdmontBenediktiner holding_institution_name: 'Admont, Benediktiner' - copy_note: - Kasten 5-6 country_code: AT holding_institution_id: 000000776 holding_institution_name: 'Göttweig, Benediktiner' - copy_note: - '2, 1 imperfect, part II only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: GrazFranziskaner holding_institution_name: 'Graz, FranziskanerZB' - copy_note: - 'imperfect, wanting part III: Ink 02 03 13=part I, Ink 02 03 14=part II, Ink 02 03 16=part IV' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: InnsbruckWilten holding_institution_name: 'Innsbruck, Wilten' - copy_note: - 'imperfect, part II only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: KlagenfurtGurkArch holding_institution_name: 'Klagenfurt, Archiv Gurk' - copy_note: - 'Bestand Maria Saal, imperfect, part IV only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: KlagenfurtGurkBib holding_institution_name: 'Klagenfurt, MensalB Gurk' - country_code: AT holding_institution_id: Klosterneuburg holding_institution_name: 'Klosterneuburg, Chorherren' - copy_note: - 'imperfect, part IV only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: KremsmuensterStiftsbibliothek holding_institution_name: 'Kremsmünster, Benediktiner' - copy_note: - 'Ink I/78: imperfect, parts II,III only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: LambachStift holding_institution_name: 'Lambach, Benediktiner' - country_code: AT holding_institution_name: 'Leibnitz, Kapuziner' - copy_note: - 'imperfect, wanting ff.1-307 of part I' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: MelkBenedikt holding_institution_name: 'Melk, Benediktiner' - copy_note: - 'imperfect, part II only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: ReichersbergChorherren holding_institution_name: 'Reichersberg, Chorherren' - copy_note: - 'Ink 3214: imperfect, part IV only' country_code: AT holding_institution_name: 'Retz, Dominikaner' - copy_note: - 'imperfect, part I only' country_code: AT holding_institution_name: 'Salzburg, PriestersemB' - copy_note: - 'imperfect, part III only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: SalzburgUL holding_institution_name: 'Salzburg, UB' - copy_note: - 'K.II.13-15: imperfect, wanting part IV' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: SeitenstettenStift holding_institution_name: 'Seitenstetten, Benediktiner' - copy_note: - 'imperfect, part IV only, bound with HC 3169' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: StFlorianStift holding_institution_name: 'St. Florian, Chorherren' - country_code: AT holding_institution_id: StLambrechtStift holding_institution_name: 'St. Lambrecht, Benediktiner' - country_code: AT holding_institution_id: LavanttalStPaulStift holding_institution_name: 'St. Paul, Benediktiner' - copy_note: - 'fragment, part IV, imperfect, only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: StPoltenDiozese holding_institution_name: 'St. Pölten, Diözese' - copy_note: - Ink 7.E.1 country_code: AT holding_institution_id: WienONB holding_institution_name: 'Wien, ÖNB' - copy_note: - '2, both imperfect, 1: wanting parts I,II; 2: part III only' country_code: AT holding_institution_id: WienSchotten holding_institution_name: 'Wien, Schotten' - copy_note: - 'B 253 II, B 254 III, B 255 IV, B 256 IV, B 257 IV' country_code: BE holding_institution_id: BrusselKBR holding_institution_name: 'Brussels, BR' - copy_note: - IV country_code: BE holding_institution_id: AverbodeOPraem holding_institution_name: 'Averbode, O.Praem.' - copy_note: - III country_code: BE holding_institution_id: UGent holding_institution_name: 'Gent, UB' - copy_note: - 'I,II,IV' country_code: BE holding_institution_name: 'Sint-Truiden, O.F.M.' - copy_note: - copy destroyed country_code: BE holding_institution_id: LeuvenUniv holding_institution_name: 'Leuven, Univ.' - copy_note: - 44 (IV) country_code: NL holding_institution_id: GroningenUB holding_institution_name: Groningen UB - copy_note: - 12 (II-IV) country_code: NL holding_institution_name: Maastricht SB - copy_note: - '140 (I, IV) and another copy (III)' country_code: NL holding_institution_id: UtrechtUB holding_institution_name: Utrecht UB - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: AnsbachSB holding_institution_name: Ansbach SB - copy_note: - I-III country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Augsburg PriesterSem - copy_note: - 2 country_code: DE holding_institution_id: AugsburgUB holding_institution_name: Augsburg UB - copy_note: - 'IV, copy missing' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: BautzenDS holding_institution_name: Bautzen DomstiftsB - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: BonnULB holding_institution_name: Bonn ULB - copy_note: - imperfect country_code: DE holding_institution_id: HelmstedtStStephaniTHZ holding_institution_name: Braunschweig PredigerSem - copy_note: - Inc.IV-254 country_code: DE holding_institution_id: DarmstadtULB holding_institution_name: Darmstadt ULB - country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Dettelbach FranziskKl - copy_note: - 'I,IV' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: DetmoldLLB holding_institution_name: Detmold LLB - copy_note: - '2, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: DillingenStudB holding_institution_name: Dillingen StudB - copy_note: - 'imperfect, sold' country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Donaueschingen FürstenbergHB - copy_note: - Marienthal copy country_code: DE holding_institution_id: DresdenSLUB holding_institution_name: Dresden SLUB - copy_note: - IV country_code: DE holding_institution_id: DuesseldorfULB holding_institution_name: Düsseldorf ULB - copy_note: - II-IV country_code: DE holding_institution_id: EbstorfKloster holding_institution_name: Ebstorf Kl - copy_note: - III country_code: DE holding_institution_id: EichUB holding_institution_name: Eichstätt UB - copy_note: - II country_code: DE holding_institution_id: ErfurtStuRB holding_institution_name: Erfurt StuRB - copy_note: - 'imperfect, copy lost' country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Ermlitz ApelscheB - copy_note: - '2, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: FrankfurtUB holding_institution_name: Frankfurt(Main) UB - copy_note: - 'III, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Freiburg i.Br. Collegium Borromeum - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: FreiburgUB holding_institution_name: Freiburg i.Br. UB - copy_note: - 'II,III' country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Friedland KirchenB St.Marien - country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Füssen FranziskKl - copy_note: - I-III country_code: DE holding_institution_id: FuldaFrauenberg holding_institution_name: Fulda ZBFranziskaner Frauenberg - copy_note: - 'II,III' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: FuldaPriesterSem holding_institution_name: Fulda PriesterSem - copy_note: - 'I-II,IV' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: GoettingenSUB holding_institution_name: Göttingen SUB - copy_note: - II country_code: DE holding_institution_id: GothaFB holding_institution_name: Gotha ForschLB - copy_note: - imperfect country_code: DE holding_institution_id: GreifswaldUB holding_institution_name: Greifswald UB - copy_note: - 'I,IV' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: HalleMarienB holding_institution_name: Halle MarienB - copy_note: - '2, 1 imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: HalleULB holding_institution_name: Halle ULB - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: HannoverStB holding_institution_name: Hannover StB - copy_note: - I country_code: DE holding_institution_id: HildesheimStArch holding_institution_name: Hildesheim StArch - copy_note: - 'I-II,IV' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: KoelnUSB holding_institution_name: Köln USB - copy_note: - 'IV, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: KoblenzGorresGymnasium holding_institution_name: Koblenz GörresGym - copy_note: - 'II, fragment' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: KonstanzHSG holding_institution_name: Konstanz Heinrich-SusoGym - copy_note: - imperfect country_code: DE holding_institution_id: BuchM holding_institution_name: Leipzig DB/BuchM - copy_note: - IV country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MainzPriesterSem holding_institution_name: Mainz PriesterSem/MartinusB - copy_note: - 'I,III, Ink.1934,2049' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MainzGM holding_institution_name: Mainz GM/StB - copy_note: - 'I, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MarburgUB holding_institution_name: Marburg UB - copy_note: - 'III,IV' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MerseburgDB holding_institution_name: Merseburg Domstift - country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Mölln NicolaiK - copy_note: - '7, 6 imperfect, 1 fragment' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MunchenBSB holding_institution_name: München BSB - copy_note: - I34 (IV country_code: DE holding_institution_name: München MetropolitanKap - copy_note: - '2, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MunchenUB holding_institution_name: München UB - country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Naumburg WenzelsK - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: NueGN holding_institution_name: Nürnberg GNM - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: NurnStB holding_institution_name: Nürnberg StB - copy_note: - 'sold, now Dresden SLUB' country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Ostritz ZisterzKl Marienthal is_private: 1 - copy_note: - 'I,IV' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: RegensburgSB holding_institution_name: Regensburg SB - copy_note: - imperfect country_code: DE holding_institution_id: RostockUB holding_institution_name: Rostock UB - copy_note: - II country_code: DE holding_institution_name: Rottenburg DiözB - copy_note: - III country_code: DE holding_institution_id: RottenburgPriestSem holding_institution_name: Rottenburg PriesterSem - copy_note: - 'I,II,IV, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: SchulpforteLandesschule holding_institution_name: Schulpforte LandesSch - copy_note: - '2, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: SigmaringenHB holding_institution_name: Sigmaringen HB - copy_note: - '2, imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: SoestStB holding_institution_name: Soest StB - copy_note: - '3, 1 imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: StuttgartWLB holding_institution_name: Stuttgart WLB - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: TrierSB holding_institution_name: Trier StB - copy_note: - III-IV country_code: DE holding_institution_id: TubingenUB holding_institution_name: Tübingen UB - copy_note: - '2, 1 imperfect' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: UeberlingenLeopoldSophienB holding_institution_name: Überlingen Leopold-SophienB - copy_note: - IV country_code: DE holding_institution_id: WiesbadenHLB holding_institution_name: Wiesbaden HLB - copy_note: - III-IV country_code: DE holding_institution_id: WolfenbuettelHAB holding_institution_name: Wolfenbüttel HAB - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: WuerzburgUB holding_institution_name: Würzburg UB - copy_note: - II country_code: DE holding_institution_id: WuppertalSB holding_institution_name: Wuppertal StB - copy_note: - 'I,III' country_code: DE holding_institution_id: XantenStiftsB holding_institution_name: Xanten StiftsB - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: ZwickauRatsSchB holding_institution_name: Zwickau RatsSchB - copy_note: - Variant in colophon of part IV country_code: GB holding_institution_id: LondonBL holding_institution_name: 'London, British Library' shelf_mark: IB.7323 - copy_note: - 'Vol.II only, wanting the first quire (cf. BMC II 431)' country_code: GB holding_institution_id: LondonBL holding_institution_name: 'London, British Library' shelf_mark: 'IB.7384 [vol.2]' - country_code: CH holding_institution_id: SolothurnZB holding_institution_name: 'Solothurn, Zentralbibliothek' shelf_mark: ZBS Rar I 32 id_assigned_by: Uk-IS imprint: - geo_info: - geonames_id: 2861650 imprint_country_code: DE lat: 49.4541666666667 lon: 11.0775 imprint_date: 1485 imprint_name: Anton Koberger imprint_place: Nuremberg language_of_item: lat notes: - Woodcuts - 'In four parts: I-III) [undated]; IV) dated 7 May 1485.' references: - reference_location_in_source: B613 reference_name: Goff - reference_location_in_source: 3166* reference_name: HC - reference_location_in_source: 3472 reference_name: Schr - reference_location_in_source: XVII p.8 reference_name: Schramm - reference_location_in_source: 2345 reference_name: Pell - reference_location_in_source: 404 reference_name: Hillard - reference_location_in_source: 93 reference_name: Lefèvre - reference_location_in_source: 128 reference_name: Neveu - reference_location_in_source: 176 reference_name: Péligry - reference_location_in_source: 159 reference_name: Torchet - reference_location_in_source: 451 reference_name: Zehnacker - reference_location_in_source: 675 & 675a (var) reference_name: Polain(B) - reference_location_in_source: 1044 reference_name: IBP - reference_location_in_source: B-82 reference_name: CCIR - reference_location_in_source: 256 reference_name: Kotvan - reference_location_in_source: 666 reference_name: Sajó-Soltész - reference_location_in_source: 119 reference_name: Gspan-Badalić - reference_location_in_source: 337 reference_name: IBPort - reference_location_in_source: 842 reference_name: IDL - reference_location_in_source: 1044 reference_name: IBE - reference_location_in_source: 91 reference_name: IJL2 - reference_location_in_source: 713 reference_name: SI - reference_location_in_source: '238, 239' reference_name: Mendes - reference_location_in_source: 205 reference_name: Coll(S) - reference_location_in_source: '699 (I-II), 4391' reference_name: Madsen - reference_location_in_source: '372, 373' reference_name: Šimáková-Vrchotka - reference_location_in_source: 'II,IV 16' reference_name: Ernst(Hildesheim) - reference_location_in_source: 2042 reference_name: Günt(L) - reference_location_in_source: 1044 reference_name: Voull(Trier) - reference_location_in_source: '1781 = 1705,5' reference_name: Voull(B) - reference_location_in_source: '556, 557' reference_name: Ohly-Sack - reference_location_in_source: '663, 664' reference_name: Sack(Freiburg) - reference_location_in_source: '121, 122' reference_name: Hummel-Wilhelmi - reference_location_in_source: 470 reference_name: Borm - reference_location_in_source: 192 reference_name: Finger - reference_location_in_source: 681 reference_name: Kind(Göttingen) - reference_location_in_source: 145 reference_name: Wilhelmi - reference_location_in_source: 1004 reference_name: Oates - reference_location_in_source: 364 reference_name: Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) - reference_location_in_source: B-319 reference_name: Bod-inc - reference_location_in_source: '1493, 1494' reference_name: Sheppard - reference_location_in_source: 2041 reference_name: Pr - reference_location_in_source: II 427 (var) reference_name: BMC - reference_location_in_source: B-453 reference_name: BSB-Ink - reference_location_in_source: 4288 reference_name: GW related_resources: - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt' resource_type: digital resource_url: http://tudigit.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/show/inc-iv-254 - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile : Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf (P. IV)' resource_type: digital resource_url: https://digital.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/ink/content/pageview/2302871 - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile : Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nürnberg' resource_type: digital resource_url: http://dlib.gnm.de/item/4Inc102052_25 - resource_name: "Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München (P. IV, fol. 378-384 'Contra perfidiam Judaeorum' only)" resource_type: digital resource_url: http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/bsb00134024/image_655 - resource_name: 'Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2007. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 79 - Bibles and Commentaries Part VII, BC 139' resource_type: other title: 'Biblia latina (cum postillis Nicolai de Lyra et expositionibus Guillelmi Britonis in omnes prologos S. Hieronymi et additionibus Pauli Burgensis replicisque Matthiae Doering). Add: Nicolaus de Lyra, Contra perfidiam Judaeorum' meta: date_of_cataloguing: 801022 history: - timestamp: 2016-07-13T12:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2016-11-18T15:50:40 - timestamp: 2019-07-11T13:18:18 - timestamp: 2021-01-04T12:41:58 - timestamp: 2021-02-02T13:56:54 - timestamp: 2021-02-02T16:31:39 - timestamp: 2021-02-02T16:33:05 - timestamp: 2021-03-26T09:19:55 - timestamp: 2021-05-10T11:58:47 - timestamp: 2022-04-04T17:03:28 - timestamp: 2022-12-29T10:28:02 - timestamp: 2023-01-05T18:41:18 - timestamp: 2023-03-31T11:41:03 - timestamp: 2023-11-01T12:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2024-05-03T12:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2024-05-13T17:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2024-06-03T06:23:00 - timestamp: 2024-06-04T17:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2024-07-03T15:54:02 - timestamp: 2024-07-12T13:30:06 - timestamp: 2024-07-12T14:24:47