--- _id: ib00214500 data: author: Bartolus de Saxoferrato cataloguing_level: full date_of_item_single_date: 1471 dimensions: f° holdings: - country_code: GB holding_institution_id: OxfordBodley holding_institution_name: Oxford Bodley - country_code: IT holding_institution_id: PadovaCap holding_institution_name: Padova Cap - country_code: IT holding_institution_id: RomaCas holding_institution_name: Roma Cas shelf_mark: Vol. Inc. 1270 - country_code: FR holding_institution_id: ParisMazarine holding_institution_name: Paris Mazarine - copy_note: - 2 country_code: CH holding_institution_id: BaselUB holding_institution_name: Basel UB - country_code: AT holding_institution_id: InnsbruckULBT holding_institution_name: 'Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol' - country_code: AT holding_institution_id: SalzburgUL holding_institution_name: 'Salzburg, UB' - copy_note: - Ink 5.B.19 country_code: AT holding_institution_id: WienONB holding_institution_name: 'Wien, ÖNB' - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: FulLB holding_institution_name: Fulda HLB - copy_note: - 2 country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MunchenBSB holding_institution_name: München BSB - country_code: DE holding_institution_id: MunchenUB holding_institution_name: München UB id_assigned_by: Uk-IS imprint: - geo_info: - geonames_id: 3164603 imprint_country_code: IT lat: 45.43 lon: 12.34 imprint_date: 1471 imprint_name: Vindelinus de Spira imprint_place: '[Venice]' language_of_item: lat material_type: monograph references: - reference_location_in_source: 2606* (I) reference_name: H - reference_location_in_source: 1942 (I) reference_name: Pell - reference_location_in_source: 300 reference_name: Hillard - reference_location_in_source: 1323 reference_name: IGI - reference_location_in_source: B-107 reference_name: Bod-inc - reference_location_in_source: 3205 reference_name: Sheppard - reference_location_in_source: 4029 reference_name: Pr - reference_location_in_source: B-151 reference_name: BSB-Ink - reference_location_in_source: 3546 reference_name: GW related_resources: - resource_name: 'Electronic facsimile : Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München' resource_type: digital resource_url: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-bsb00046933-9 - resource_name: 'Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1994 & 2000. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 7 - Printing in Italy Before 1472 Part I, PI 15; Unit 38 - Law Incunabula Part V, LW 227' resource_type: other title: Super prima parte Digesti novi meta: date_of_cataloguing: 810813 history: - timestamp: 2016-07-13T12:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2020-04-16T08:49:10 - timestamp: 2021-03-26T09:18:41 - timestamp: 2023-11-01T12:00:00.00Z - timestamp: 2024-05-03T12:00:00.00Z