Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

The international database of 15th-century European printing

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istc/ia00545000 ia00545000

Alvarotus, Jacobus:
Super feudis (With additions by Matthaeus de Corbinellis and Montorius Mascarellus)

ISTC No.ia00545000
AuthorAlvarotus, Jacobus
TitleSuper feudis (With additions by Matthaeus de Corbinellis and Montorius Mascarellus)
ImprintVenice : [Printer of the 1477 Alvarotus (H 886*; Roman Type)], 10 July 1477
Language of itemlat
Reference worksGoff: Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood (N.Y.), 1973. (Reproduced from the annotated copy of the original edition (New York, 1964) maintained by Goff). (Supplement. New York, 1972.) A545
H: Hain, Ludwig. Repertorium Bibliographicum in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum MD. typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur. 2 vols. Stuttgartiae, Lutetiae, 1826-38. 886*
GfT: Gesellschaft für Typenkunde des XV. Jahrhunderts. Veröffentlichungen. 33 parts. Leipzig [etc], 1907-39. 1982
TFS: Type Facsimile Society. Publications. Oxford, 1900-09. 1906s
Pell: Pellechet, Marie [and M.L. Polain]. Catalogue général des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France. 3 vols. Nendeln, 1970. (Reproduced from the copy of the original edition (Paris, 1897-1909) annotated by Polain). 570
Maignien(Grenoble): Maignien, Edmond. Catalogue des incunables de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Grenoble. Macon, 1899. 33
IDL: Incunabula in Dutch libraries. Editor-in-chief Gerard van Thienen. 2 vols. Nieuwkoop, 1983. (Supplement [in preparation]). 244
SI: Undorf, Wolfgang. Catalogue of books printed in the 15th century in Swedish collections. 2 vols. Wiesbaden, 2012. 183
IGI: Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. Compilato da T.M. Guarnaschelli e E. Valenziani [et al.]. 6 vols. Roma, 1943-81. 414
IBE: Biblioteca Nacional [Madrid]. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas. Coordinado y dirigido por Francisco García Craviotto. 2 vols. Madrid, 1989-90. (Adiciones y correcciones. I-II, Madrid, 1991-94). 298
IBP: Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur. Moderante Alodia Kawecka-Gryczowa. Composuerunt Maria Bohonos and Eliza Sandorowska. 2 vols. Wrocław, 1970. (Addenda, Indices. Wrocław, 1993). 259
Kotvan: Kotvan, Imrich. Inkunábuly na Slovensku. Matica Slovenska, 1979. 39
Coll(S): Collijn, Isak. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Bibliothek in Stockholm. 3 pt. Stockholm, 1914. (‘Nyförvärv 1915-1939 jämte tillägg’. Kungl. Bibliotekets Handlingar, Bilagor 5. Uppsala, 1940.) 48
Madsen: Madsen, Viktor. Katalog over det Kongelige Biblioteks inkunabler. 3 vols. København, 1935-63. (P.R. Jorgensen. ‘Nye inkunabler … ’. Fund og Forskning 30 (1991) pp.133-38.) 157
Martín Abad: Martín Abad, Julian. Catálogo bibliográfico de la colección de incunables de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. 2 vols. Madrid, 2010. A-93
Günt(L): Günther, Otto. Die Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen und der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Altenburg. XXXV. Beiheft zum ZfB. Leipzig, 1909. 3870
Voull(B): Voulliéme, Ernst. Die Inkunabeln der Königlichen Bibliothek (Preussischen Staatsbibliothek) und der anderen Berliner Sammlungen. Leipzig, 1906. (XXX. Beiheft zum ZfB; supplements: 1914, 1922, 1927). 4545
Borm: Borm, Wolfgang. Incunabula Guelferbytana: Blockbücher und Wiegendrucke der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Wiesbaden, 1990. 111
Kind(Göttingen): Kind, Helmut. Incunabula Gottingensia: Inkunabelkatalog der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Bd.1 etc. Wiesbaden, 1995- [in progress]. 1401
Döring-Fuchs: Döring, Thomas Thibault and Fuchs, Thomas. Die Inkunabeln und Blockdrucke in der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. 4 vols. Wiesbaden, 2014. A-170, A-171
Walsh: Walsh, James E. A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the Harvard University Library. 5 vols. Binghamton NY, Tempe AZ, 1991-95. (Supplement ... , by David R. Whitesell. Harvard Library Bulletin 16 nos. 1-2 (2005)). 1765
Pr: Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. (Part II, MDI-MDXX, Germany, London, 1903). 5677
BMC: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum [British Library]. 13 parts. London, ’t Goy-Houten, 1963-2007. (Pts I-IX reproduced from the working copies of the original edition (London, 1908-62) annotated at the Museum). V 259
BSB-Ink: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog. Bd. 1-6. Wiesbaden, 1988-2005. A-457
GW: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. I [etc.] Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. (Vols. 1-7 reproduced with additions and corrections from the original edition (Leipzig, etc., 1925-38)). [See also GW Manuskript - GW M:] 1589 (+ Accurti(1936) p.57)
Related resourcesMicrofiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2000 & 2007. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 38 - Law Incunabula Part V, LW 223; Unit 80 - Printing in Venice Part III, VE 168


AustriaGüssing, Franziskanerkloster
Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol
Klagenfurt, Archiv der Diözese Gurk, Bischöfliche Gurker Mensalbibliothek (Bestand Maria Saal)
Kremsmünster, Benediktinerstift Kremsmünster, Stiftsbibliothek
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Ink 7.A.3)
DenmarkKøbenhavn, Det Kgl. Bibliotek (imperfect)
FranceGrenoble, Bibliothèque municipale
GermanyBerlin, Staatsbibliothek
Erfurt, Stadt- und Regionalbibliothek
Freiberg, Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium
Göttingen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
Halle, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt
Jena, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Leipzig, Bundesverwaltungsgericht
Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek (2)
Lübeck, Bibliothek der Hansestadt (copy lost)
Metten, Bibliothek der Benediktinerabtei
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (3)
München, Universitätsbibliothek
Nürnberg, Stadtbibliothek
Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek
Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek
Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek
Stadtbibliothek Memmingen (3.403)
ItalyFirenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Magl. C.-.16)
Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana
Palermo, Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana Alberto Bombace
Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense (Vol. Inc. 152)
Trento, Biblioteca Comunale
Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Inc. V. 0005)
Trieste, Biblioteca Civica Attilio Hortis (Inc. 4-7)
The NetherlandsVenlo, Gemeentearchief Venlo (15)
PolandŁódź U (imperfect)
Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka
SlovakiaBratislava RKn
SpainMadrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España
SwedenStockholm, Kungliga Bibliotheket
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLondon, British Library (IC.20715)
United States of AmericaWilliamstown MA, Williams College, Chapin Library
San Francisco CA, California State Library, Sutro Library
Cambridge MA, Harvard University, Law School Library
San Marino CA, Huntington Library
Washington DC, Library of Congress, Rare Book Division
Chicago IL, The Newberry Library
Philadelphia PA, Free Library of Philadelphia, Copinger-Widener Collection
Ann Arbor MI, University of Michigan, Law Library
Yale Univ., Law School Library
Vatican CityCittà del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (2: Inc.S.53, (f. 107 only)
Number of holding institutions49
Last Edit2024-12-18 18:00:00.00
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Alvarotus, Jacobus:
Super feudis (With additions by Matthaeus de Corbinellis and Montorius Mascarellus)

ISTC No.ia00545000
AuthorAlvarotus, Jacobus
TitleSuper feudis (With additions by Matthaeus de Corbinellis and Montorius Mascarellus)
ImprintVenice : [Printer of the 1477 Alvarotus (H 886*; Roman Type)], 10 July 1477
Language of itemlat
Reference worksGoff: Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood (N.Y.), 1973. (Reproduced from the annotated copy of the original edition (New York, 1964) maintained by Goff). (Supplement. New York, 1972.) A545
H: Hain, Ludwig. Repertorium Bibliographicum in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum MD. typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur. 2 vols. Stuttgartiae, Lutetiae, 1826-38. 886*
GfT: Gesellschaft für Typenkunde des XV. Jahrhunderts. Veröffentlichungen. 33 parts. Leipzig [etc], 1907-39. 1982
TFS: Type Facsimile Society. Publications. Oxford, 1900-09. 1906s
Pell: Pellechet, Marie [and M.L. Polain]. Catalogue général des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France. 3 vols. Nendeln, 1970. (Reproduced from the copy of the original edition (Paris, 1897-1909) annotated by Polain). 570
Maignien(Grenoble): Maignien, Edmond. Catalogue des incunables de la Bibliothèque Municipale de Grenoble. Macon, 1899. 33
IDL: Incunabula in Dutch libraries. Editor-in-chief Gerard van Thienen. 2 vols. Nieuwkoop, 1983. (Supplement [in preparation]). 244
SI: Undorf, Wolfgang. Catalogue of books printed in the 15th century in Swedish collections. 2 vols. Wiesbaden, 2012. 183
IGI: Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. Compilato da T.M. Guarnaschelli e E. Valenziani [et al.]. 6 vols. Roma, 1943-81. 414
IBE: Biblioteca Nacional [Madrid]. Catálogo general de incunables en bibliotecas españolas. Coordinado y dirigido por Francisco García Craviotto. 2 vols. Madrid, 1989-90. (Adiciones y correcciones. I-II, Madrid, 1991-94). 298
IBP: Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur. Moderante Alodia Kawecka-Gryczowa. Composuerunt Maria Bohonos and Eliza Sandorowska. 2 vols. Wrocław, 1970. (Addenda, Indices. Wrocław, 1993). 259
Kotvan: Kotvan, Imrich. Inkunábuly na Slovensku. Matica Slovenska, 1979. 39
Coll(S): Collijn, Isak. Katalog der Inkunabeln der Kgl. Bibliothek in Stockholm. 3 pt. Stockholm, 1914. (‘Nyförvärv 1915-1939 jämte tillägg’. Kungl. Bibliotekets Handlingar, Bilagor 5. Uppsala, 1940.) 48
Madsen: Madsen, Viktor. Katalog over det Kongelige Biblioteks inkunabler. 3 vols. København, 1935-63. (P.R. Jorgensen. ‘Nye inkunabler … ’. Fund og Forskning 30 (1991) pp.133-38.) 157
Martín Abad: Martín Abad, Julian. Catálogo bibliográfico de la colección de incunables de la Biblioteca Nacional de España. 2 vols. Madrid, 2010. A-93
Günt(L): Günther, Otto. Die Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen und der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Altenburg. XXXV. Beiheft zum ZfB. Leipzig, 1909. 3870
Voull(B): Voulliéme, Ernst. Die Inkunabeln der Königlichen Bibliothek (Preussischen Staatsbibliothek) und der anderen Berliner Sammlungen. Leipzig, 1906. (XXX. Beiheft zum ZfB; supplements: 1914, 1922, 1927). 4545
Borm: Borm, Wolfgang. Incunabula Guelferbytana: Blockbücher und Wiegendrucke der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Wiesbaden, 1990. 111
Kind(Göttingen): Kind, Helmut. Incunabula Gottingensia: Inkunabelkatalog der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Bd.1 etc. Wiesbaden, 1995- [in progress]. 1401
Döring-Fuchs: Döring, Thomas Thibault and Fuchs, Thomas. Die Inkunabeln und Blockdrucke in der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig. 4 vols. Wiesbaden, 2014. A-170, A-171
Walsh: Walsh, James E. A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the Harvard University Library. 5 vols. Binghamton NY, Tempe AZ, 1991-95. (Supplement ... , by David R. Whitesell. Harvard Library Bulletin 16 nos. 1-2 (2005)). 1765
Pr: Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. (Part II, MDI-MDXX, Germany, London, 1903). 5677
BMC: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum [British Library]. 13 parts. London, ’t Goy-Houten, 1963-2007. (Pts I-IX reproduced from the working copies of the original edition (London, 1908-62) annotated at the Museum). V 259
BSB-Ink: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog. Bd. 1-6. Wiesbaden, 1988-2005. A-457
GW: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. I [etc.] Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. (Vols. 1-7 reproduced with additions and corrections from the original edition (Leipzig, etc., 1925-38)). [See also GW Manuskript - GW M:] 1589 (+ Accurti(1936) p.57)
Related resourcesMicrofiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2000 & 2007. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 38 - Law Incunabula Part V, LW 223; Unit 80 - Printing in Venice Part III, VE 168


AustriaGüssing, Franziskanerkloster
Innsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol
Klagenfurt, Archiv der Diözese Gurk, Bischöfliche Gurker Mensalbibliothek (Bestand Maria Saal)
Kremsmünster, Benediktinerstift Kremsmünster, Stiftsbibliothek
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Ink 7.A.3)
DenmarkKøbenhavn, Det Kgl. Bibliotek (imperfect)
FranceGrenoble, Bibliothèque municipale
GermanyBerlin, Staatsbibliothek
Erfurt, Stadt- und Regionalbibliothek
Freiberg, Geschwister-Scholl-Gymnasium
Göttingen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
Halle, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt
Jena, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Leipzig, Bundesverwaltungsgericht
Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek (2)
Lübeck, Bibliothek der Hansestadt (copy lost)
Metten, Bibliothek der Benediktinerabtei
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (3)
München, Universitätsbibliothek
Nürnberg, Stadtbibliothek
Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek
Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek
Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek
Stadtbibliothek Memmingen (3.403)
ItalyFirenze, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Magl. C.-.16)
Lucca, Biblioteca Capitolare Feliniana
Palermo, Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana Alberto Bombace
Roma, Biblioteca Casanatense (Vol. Inc. 152)
Trento, Biblioteca Comunale
Venezia, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Inc. V. 0005)
Trieste, Biblioteca Civica Attilio Hortis (Inc. 4-7)
The NetherlandsVenlo, Gemeentearchief Venlo (15)
PolandŁódź U (imperfect)
Wrocław, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka
SlovakiaBratislava RKn
SpainMadrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España
SwedenStockholm, Kungliga Bibliotheket
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLondon, British Library (IC.20715)
United States of AmericaWilliamstown MA, Williams College, Chapin Library
San Francisco CA, California State Library, Sutro Library
Cambridge MA, Harvard University, Law School Library
San Marino CA, Huntington Library
Washington DC, Library of Congress, Rare Book Division
Chicago IL, The Newberry Library
Philadelphia PA, Free Library of Philadelphia, Copinger-Widener Collection
Ann Arbor MI, University of Michigan, Law Library
Yale Univ., Law School Library
Vatican CityCittà del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (2: Inc.S.53, (f. 107 only)
Number of holding institutions49
Last Edit2024-12-18 18:00:00.00