Alexander de Nevo:
Consilia contra Judaeos foenerantes
ISTC No.ia00410000
AuthorAlexander de Nevo
TitleConsilia contra Judaeos foenerantes
Language of itemlat
Reference worksGoff: Goff, Frederick R. Incunabula in American libraries: a third census. Millwood (N.Y.), 1973. (Reproduced from the annotated copy of the original edition (New York, 1964) maintained by Goff). (Supplement. New York, 1972.) A410
H: Hain, Ludwig. Repertorium Bibliographicum in quo libri omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum MD. typis expressi ordine alphabetico vel simpliciter enumerantur vel adcuratius recensentur. 2 vols. Stuttgartiae, Lutetiae, 1826-38. 802*
CIBN: Bibliothèque Nationale. Catalogue des incunables. T. I (Xylographes, A-G); T. II (H-Z). Paris, 1981-2014. A-213
Zehnacker: Zehnacker, Françoise. Catalogues régionaux des incunables des Bibliothèques publiques de France. Vol.XIII: Région Alsace (Bas Rhin). 2 tom. Paris, 1997. 112
Polain(B): Polain, M.-Louis. Catalogue des livres imprimés au quinzième siècle des bibliothèques de Belgique. 5 vols. Bruxelles, 1932-78. 119
IGI: Indice generale degli incunaboli delle biblioteche d’Italia. Compilato da T.M. Guarnaschelli e E. Valenziani [et al.]. 6 vols. Roma, 1943-81. 6785
IBP: Incunabula quae in bibliothecis Poloniae asservantur. Moderante Alodia Kawecka-Gryczowa. Composuerunt Maria Bohonos and Eliza Sandorowska. 2 vols. Wrocław, 1970. (Addenda, Indices. Wrocław, 1993). 203
IJL2: Yukishima, Koichi. Union catalogue of incunabula in Japanese libraries. 2nd edition. Tokyo, 2004. 13
Sajó-Soltész: Sajó, Géza and Soltész, Erszébet. Catalogus incunabulorum quae in bibliothecis publicis Hungariae asservantur. 2 vols. Budapestini, 1970. 134
Kotvan: Kotvan, Imrich. Inkunábuly na Slovensku. Matica Slovenska, 1979. 28
Günt(L): Günther, Otto. Die Wiegendrucke der Leipziger Sammlungen und der Herzoglichen Bibliothek in Altenburg. XXXV. Beiheft zum ZfB. Leipzig, 1909. 1951
Voull(B): Voulliéme, Ernst. Die Inkunabeln der Königlichen Bibliothek (Preussischen Staatsbibliothek) und der anderen Berliner Sammlungen. Leipzig, 1906. (XXX. Beiheft zum ZfB; supplements: 1914, 1922, 1927). 1807
Borm: Borm, Wolfgang. Incunabula Guelferbytana: Blockbücher und Wiegendrucke der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. Wiesbaden, 1990. 86
Madsen: Madsen, Viktor. Katalog over det Kongelige Biblioteks inkunabler. 3 vols. København, 1935-63. (P.R. Jorgensen. ‘Nye inkunabler … ’. Fund og Forskning 30 (1991) pp.133-38.) 125
Oates: Oates, J.C.T. A catalogue of the fifteenth-century printed books in the University Library Cambridge. Cambridge, 1954. 1057
Bod-inc: A catalogue of books printed in the fifteenth century now in the Bodleian Library. 6 vols. Oxford, 2005. A-176
Sheppard: Sheppard, L.A. Catalogue of XVth century books in the Bodleian Library. [Unpublished MS, 1954-71]. 1579
Pr: Proctor, Robert. An index to the early printed books in the British Museum from the invention of printing to the year MD, with notes of those in the Bodleian Library. 2 vols. London, 1898. 4 supplements, 1899-1902. (Part II, MDI-MDXX, Germany, London, 1903). 2149
BMC: Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum [British Library]. 13 parts. London, ’t Goy-Houten, 1963-2007. (Pts I-IX reproduced from the working copies of the original edition (London, 1908-62) annotated at the Museum). II 451
BSB-Ink: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Inkunabelkatalog. Bd. 1-6. Wiesbaden, 1988-2005. N-30
GW: Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke. Bd. I [etc.] Stuttgart, etc., 1968- [in progress]. (Vols. 1-7 reproduced with additions and corrections from the original edition (Leipzig, etc., 1925-38)). [See also GW Manuskript - GW M:] 894
Related resourcesMicrofiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2000 & 2002. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 39 - Law Incunabula Part VI, LW 271; Unit 53 - Current Affairs Part II, CA 235
AustriaInnsbruck, Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Tirol
Klosterneuburg, Chorherren, Stiftsbibliothek
Linz, Oberösterreichische Landesbibliothek
Melk, Benediktinerstift
Salzburg, Erzabtei St. Peter, Bibliothek St. Peter
Schwaz, Franziskanerkloster (Ink S4/3-163bgf1)
St. Florian, Augustiner-Chorherrenstift St. Florian, Bibliothek
Sankt Paul im Lavanttal, Benediktinerstift St. Paul, Bibliothek
St. Pölten, Diözesanarchiv, Diözesanbibliothek
Wien, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Ink 9.E.27)
BelgiumBrussels, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique
KU Leuven, Special Collections (copy destroyed)
CroatiaDubrovnik, Dominikanski samostan
Czech RepublicPlzeň, Studijní a vědecká knihovna Plzeňského kraje
Praha, Národni knihovna České republiky
DenmarkKøbenhavn, Det Kgl. Bibliotek
FranceParis, Bibliothèque nationale de France (2)
Strasbourg, Bibliothèque nationale et universitaire
GermanyBamberg, Staatsbibliothek (2)
Berlin, Staatsbibliothek
Darmstadt, Universitäts und Landesbibliothek (Inc.IV-596)
Dessau LKArch
Eichstätt, Universitätsbibliothek (2)
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Universitätsbibliothek (H62/INC 1116 ; H62/INC 1281) (2)
Göttingen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
Jena, Thüringer Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek
Kassel, Universitätsbibliothek, Landesbibliothek und Murhardsche Bibliothek (copy destroyed)
Leipzig, Universitätsbibliothek
Mainz, Wissenschaftliche Diözesanbibliothek im Priesterseminar
Mainz, Gutenberg-Museum (Ink.723-2)
München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (3)
Nürnberg, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Bibliothek
Nürnberg, Landeskirchliches Archiv der Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Bayern, Bibliothek
Nürnberg, Stadtbibliothek (4)
Regensburg, Kollegiatstift Alte Kapelle
Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek (2)
Stuttgart ZKB
Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Bibliothek
Worms, Stadtbibliothek
Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek (3)
Zeitz, Michaeliskirche, Pfarrbibliothek
HungaryKalocsa, Föszékesegygázi Könyvtár
ItalyBologna, Biblioteca Comunale dell'Archiginnasio
Rimini, Biblioteca Civica Gambalunga
JapanKunitachi, Hitotsubashi University
PolandGdańsk, Polska Akademia Nauk Biblioteka Gdańska
Warszawa, Biblioteka Narodowa
Włocławek, Seminary
Wrocław, Ossolineum
SlovakiaMartin, Slovak National Library
SwitzerlandBasel, Universitätsbibliothek
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandLondon, British Library (IB.7647)
London, University of London, Senate House Library
Oxford, Bodleian Library (Auct. 1Q 3.43(2).)
Cambridge, University Library (Inc.3.A.7.3[915])
United States of AmericaNew York NY, Columbia University, Butler Library
Ithaca NY, Cornell University, Carl A. Kroch Library
San Marino CA, Huntington Library
Cincinnati OH, Hebrew Union College Library, Klau Library
New York NY, Jewish Theological Seminary of America, JTS Library
Baltimore MD, Johns Hopkins University, Sheridan Libraries, John Work Garrett Library
Washington DC, Library of Congress, Rare Book Division
New Haven CT, Yale University, Beinecke Library
Vatican CityCittà del Vaticano, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Inc.III.491)
Number of holding institutions64
Last Edit2024-12-18 18:00:00.00