Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Ketham, Johannes de :
Fasciculus medicinae. [Spanish:] Epilogo en medicina, o Compendio de la salud humana. Add: Vasco de Taranta: De epidemia et peste [Spanish]. Michael Scotus: Liber Physiognomiae [Spanish]

Burgos : Juan de Burgos, 15 May 1495. – f°. – ISTC ik00018000

Notes Woodcuts (three on folding plates). – Johannes de Ketham can be convincingly identified as Hans von Kircheim of Swabia, fl. 1455-1470, professor of medicine in Vienna, who used this collection for his lectures and recommended it to his pupils. This collection of texts was in circulation by 1400. See K. Sudhoff, The Fasciculus Medicinae of Johannes de Ketham, Alemanus. Facsimile of the first, Venetian, edition of 1491 (Milan, 1924)
Reference works Goff K18. – C 2301. – Klebs 575.2. – Haeb(BI) 246. – Vindel(A) VII 95: 35 (VIII: 346). – Kurz 221. – Pell 4585. – CIBN K-8. – Polain(B) 1402. – IBE 3410. – GW M14195
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1995. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 13 - Medical Incunabula Part III, MI 88
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – FR: Paris BN. – US: Hispanic Society of America; San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Lentulus :
Epistola Publii Lentuli ad Senatum Romanum de statura et forma Christi. Pontius Pilatus (Pseudo- ), Epistola de nece Christi missa Tiberio. Bernardus (Pseudo- ), Epistola de gubernatione rei familiaris

[Burgos : Fadrique de Basilea (Friedrich Biel), about 1500]. – 4°. – ISTC il00128200

Reference works Vindel(A) VII 282: 85. – IBE 3469. – Martín Abad L-23. – GW M17782
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2004. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 55 - Iberian Printing Part II, SP 167


Leo III, Pont. Max :
Oracion de las ordenanças de la yglesia

[Burgos : Antonio de Melgar, about 1520]. – 16°. – ISTC il00136400

Notes The copy described by Haebler and Vindel contained a faked device of Peter Brun
Reference works Haeb(BI) II 235(7). – Vindel(A) V 176: 65. – Norton(1978) 338. – IBE(Suppl) Post-incunables 271 . – GW M17793


Leo III, Pont. Max :
Oracion de las ordenanças de la yglesia

[Burgos : Antonio de Melgar, about 1520]. – 4°. – ISTC il00136600

Notes Although assigned to Hurus at Zaragoza at HSAL, the reproductions in Vindel suggest that the printer is the same as that of the other recorded edition of the text (Norton(1978) 338). – Goff entered under Leo I in error
Reference works Goff L128. – Haeb(BI) II 349(5). – Vindel(A) IV 315: 95 (VIII 239). – GW M17794
Holdings US: Hispanic Society of America


Leyes del estilo

Burgos : Fadrique de Basilea (Friedrich Biel), 30 July 1498. – f°. – ISTC il00191000

Reference works Goff L191. – Haeb(BI) II 351(5). – Vindel(A) VII 181: 58. – Kurz 315. – Goff(LC) p. 22. – IBE 3499. – GW M18060
Holdings US: Library of Congress, Rare Book Division


Lopez de Palacios Rubios, Juan :
De justitia et jure obtentionis ac retentionis regni Navarrae

[Burgos : Fadrique de Basilea (Friedrich Biel), about 1515-17]. – f°. – ISTC il00285600

Notes Woodcuts
Reference works C 3692. – Pell Ms 7258 (7200). – Norton(1966) p. 59. – Norton(1978) 294. – IBE Post-incunables 160. – Hillard 1239. – Martín Abad p.496. – BMC(Sp) p. 119. – GW M19545
Holdings GB: British Library; British Library. – FR: Paris Mazarine


Marineus, Lucius :
Epistolae illustrium Romanorum. Add: Carmina Lucii Marinei

Burgos : Fadrique de Basilea (Friedrich Biel), 1497. – 4°. – ISTC im00272400

Reference works J.P.R. Lyell, in The Library World 26 (1924) p.174 . – BMC X 63. – GW M21051
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2004. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 55 - Iberian Printing Part II, SP 177
Electronic facsimile : British Library, London
Holdings GB: British Library


Marineus, Lucius :
Epistolae illustrium romanorum

Burgos : Fadrique de Basilea (Friedrich Biel), 16 Aug. 1498. – f°. – ISTC im00272500

Reference works Haeb(BI) 400. – Vindel(A) VII 183: 59. – IBE 3830. – IGI 6187. – IBPort 1185. – GW M21053
Holdings IT: Roma N. – PT: Porto BP


Marineus, Lucius :
De Hispaniae laudibus

[Burgos : Fadrique de Basilea (Friedrich Biel), about 1500]. – f°. – ISTC im00273000

Notes Vindel dates this edition [1497]
Reference works Goff M273. – GfT 1422. – Haeb(BI) 399. – Haeb(GSpF) p.332. – Vindel(A) VII 156: 53. – Arnoult 1022. – Horch(Rio) 116. – IBE 3831. – Martín Abad M-45. – Pr 9595. – BMC X 63. – GW M21054
Related resources Electronic facsimile : Staatliche Bibliothek Amberg (Provinzialbibliothek)
Electronic facsimile : Biblioteca Universitaria de Deusto
Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2003. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 54 - Iberian Printing Part I, SP 67
Holdings BR: Rio de Janeiro BN. – GB: British Library. – FR: Reims BM. – DE: Amberg SB; Mainz GM/StB. – US: La Casa del Libro; The Newberry Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Martialis, Marcus Valerius :
Disticha. Add: Publius Vergilius Maro: Moretum

Burgos : Juan de Burgos, 20 Aug. 1490. – 4°. – ISTC im00296400

Notes 32 leaves.
Reference works Haeb(BI) 402. – IBPort 1178. – GW M21246
Holdings PT: Évora BPAD