Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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95 Hits



Missale Herbipolense (Würzburg): Missale speciale secundum chorum Herbipolensem. Commissioned by Rudolphus de Scherenberg, Episcopus Herbipolensis (Würzburg)

[Würzburg] : Georg Reyser, [after 8 Mar. 1495]. – f°. – ISTC im00666000

Notes The Nürnberg GNM copy has a buyer's inscription with the date 1496. 2 woodcuts (Michael Wolgemut)
Reference works Goff M666. – HC 11313. – C 4135. – Weale p. 76. – Weale-Boh 434. – Schr 4708. – Schramm XVI p. 16. – Meyer-Baer p.15. – H. Engelhart in Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter 62/63 (2001) p.69-174 . – Pell Ms 8015 (7948). – CIBN M-426. – Hubay(Würzburg) 1476. – Hellwig 669. – Oates 1205. – Pr 2671A. – BMC II 571. – BSB-Ink M-493. – GW M24442
Holdings GB: British Library; Cambridge UL. – CA: Halifax (Nova Scotia), King's College UL. – FR: Paris BN. – DE: Bamberg SB; Berlin KupferstichKab; Dettelbach FranziskKl; Gotha ForschLB; Mainz GM/StB; München BSB; München UB; Neustadt(Aisch) KB; Nürnberg GNM; Nürnberg LKArch; Nürnberg StB; Ochsenfurt StArch; Pommersfelden SchönbornB; Römhild StiftsK; Stuttgart WLB; Wertheim StiftsK; Würzburg DiözB; Würzburg MainfränkM; Würzburg UB. – US: New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; Univ. of North Carolina Library


Missale Herbipolense (Würzburg). Commissioned by Laurentius de Bibra, Episcopus Herbipolensis (Würzburg)

Würzburg : Georg Reyser, [after 11 July 1497]. – f°. – ISTC im00666100

Notes 2 woodcuts (Michael Wolgemut)
Reference works HC 11315. – Weale-Boh 436. – Schr 4709. – SI 2676. – Sallander 2338. – H. Engelhart in Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter 62/63 (2001) p.69-174 . – Hubay(Würzburg) 1477. – GW M24432
Holdings DE: Ansbach SB; Dettelbach FranziskKl; Dortmund StLB; Fulda PriesterSem; München UB; Weissenburg StArch; Würzburg UB; Würzburg UB Dep. HistVer. – SE: Uppsala UB


Missale Herbipolense (Würzburg). Commissioned by Laurentius de Bibra, Episcopus Herbipolensis (Würzburg)

Würzburg : Georg Reyser, [after 11 Oct. 1499]. – f°. – ISTC im00666200

Notes 2 woodcuts (Michael Wolgemut)
Reference works HC 11316. – GfT 1142. – Schr 4710. – Weale-Boh 437. – H. Engelhart in Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter 62/63 (2001) p.69-174 . – Hubay(Würzburg) 1478. – Borm 1865. – GW M24435
Holdings GB: Manchester JRL. – DE: Fulda HLB; Heilbronn StArch; Ochsenfurt StArch; Pommersfelden SchönbornB; Wolfenbüttel HAB; Würzburg UB. – US:


Missale Moguntinum (Mainz). Commissioned by Diether von Isenburg, Archbishop of Mainz

[Würzburg : Georg Reyser, after 18 Mar. 1482]. – f°. – ISTC im00673600

Notes Copper engraving
Reference works HC 11331*. – Weale-Boh 622. – Schr 4729. – H. Engelhart in Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter 62/63 (2001) p.69-174 . – IGI 6571. – Hubay(Würzburg) 1480. – Ohly-Sack 2016. – Meyer-Baer 87. – BMC II 569. – BSB-Ink M-439. – GW M24571
Holdings GB: British Library. – DE: Aschaffenburg HB; Aschaffenburg StiftsB; Frankfurt(Main) UB; Karlsruhe BLB; Mainz GM/StB; Michelstadt NicolausMatzB; München BSB; Münchhausen EvPfarr; Würzburg UB. – IT: Roma Ang


Ordo divinus tempore hiemali sub anno 1500 servandus [for the diocese of Würzburg]

[Würzburg : Martin Schubart, before 1 Sept. 1500]. – Bdsde. – ISTC io00089450

Notes GW enters under Directorium
Reference works VE15 D-14. – BSB-Ink L-147. – GW(Einbl) 1070. – GW 8465
Holdings DE: München BSB


Peraudi, Raimundus, commissary :
Avisamenta confessorum

[Würzburg : Georg Reyser, about 1489]. – Bdsde. – ISTC ip00261146

Notes For the date, see Paulus, Ablassbriefe 3 p.214-215
Reference works VE15 P-21. – GW(Einbl) 397. – GW M30797
Holdings DE: Fulda HLB


Peraudi, Raimundus, commissary :
Indulgentia 1488. For promoting the war against the Turks

[Würzburg : Georg Reyser, 1488, before 26 Apr.]. – Bdsde. – ISTC ip00261540

Notes Proctor assigned to Michael Reyser at Eichstätt. Frankfurt copy issued to Cristianus pfernerus on 26 Apr. 1488
Reference works VE15 P-113. – Ohly-Sack 2230. – Sack(Freiburg) 2706. – Pr 3124. – BMC II 571. – GW(Einbl) 1127. – GW M30724
Holdings GB: British Library. – DE: Ansbach SB; Frankfurt(Main) UB; Freiburg i.Br. BertholdGym; Koblenz LHArch


Peraudi, Raimundus, commissary :
Indulgentia 1488. For promoting the war against the Turks

[Würzburg : Georg Reyser, 1488, before 16 Apr.]. – Bdsde. – ISTC ip00261550

Notes Proctor assigned to Michael Reyser at Eichstätt. Karlsruhe copy issued on 16 Apr. 1488
Reference works C 3277. – VE15 P-114. – Nentwig 268. – Hubay(Würzburg) 1625. – Ernst(Hannover) 27. – Sack(Freiburg) 2705. – Schäfer 264. – Pr 3125. – BMC II 570. – GW(Einbl) 1128. – GW M30725
Holdings GB: British Library. – DE: Bamberg SB; Braunschweig StB; Freiburg i.Br. BertholdGym; Hannover KestnerM; Karlsruhe LB; Passau SB; Schweinfurt Otto-SchäferB; Würzburg UB


Peraudi, Raimundus, commissary :
Indulgentia 1488. For promoting the war against the Turks

[Würzburg : Georg Reyser, 1488, before 16 Apr.]. – Bdsde. – ISTC ip00261560

Reference works VE15 P-115. – J. Rosenthal Cat 92 no 55 . – GW(Einbl) 1129. – GW M30726
Holdings DE: Berlin SB


Peraudi, Raimundus, commissary :
Modus promerendi indulgentias sanctae cruciatae pro tuitione fidei contra Turcum

[Würzburg : Georg Reyser, about 1489]. – Bdsde. – ISTC ip00262280

Reference works VE15 P-56. – Hubay(Würzburg) 1500. – GW(Einbl) 1015. – GW M25009
Holdings DE: Würzburg UB