Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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284 Hits



Liporita, Antonius :
Formula exordiorum. Add: Guarinus Veronensis, Regulae de rhetorico dictamine. Synonyma

[Paris : Petrus Caesaris, 1476-77]. – 4°. – ISTC il00224800

Reference works HC 10115. – Veyrin-Forrer(Cesaris) 23. – Pell Ms 7200 (7142). – Arnoult 963. – Polain(B) 2496. – Pr 7896A. – Bod-inc L-112. – Sheppard 6101. – GW M18399
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1997. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 22 - Rhetoric Part I, RH 54
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: Oxford Bodley; York Minster. – FR: Beaune BM; Langres SHAL. – CH: Zürich ZB


Lullus, Raymundus :
De laudibus B. V. Mariae. De natali pueri parvuli. Clericus. Phantasticus. Ed: Jacobus Faber Stapulensis

Paris : Guy Marchant [in part] for Jean Petit, 6 and 10 Apr. 1499. – f°. – ISTC il00390000

Notes Three variants are known. A is dated 6 Apr., names Marchant in the colophon and is known without device, or with either Marchant's or Petit's. B and C are dated 10 Apr., name Marchant and Petit in the colophon, and may have either device. B's colophon begins: 'Impressum" and C's "Et impressum"
Reference works Goff L390 = L391. – HC 10327* (B). – H 13029* (C). – CR 3686 (A). – Pell Ms 7359 (7299). – CIBN L-296. – Hillard 1259. – Arnoult 983 (A), 984. – Lefèvre 288 (A). – Neveu 401. – Nice 255 (C). – Péligry 510 (A), 511. – Torchet 601. – Maignien(Grenoble) 380, 381. – Polain(B) 3310 (A), 3310A (B). – IBE 4844 (A), 4845. – IGI 5901 (A), 5902 (B). – IBP 3489. – CCIR L-29 . – IBPort 1134, 1135. – Mendes 798 (A), 799, 800. – SI 2480. – Coll(U) 985. – Coll(S) 680. – Madsen 2557, 2558. – Martín Abad L-55. – Voull(B) 4730 (A). – Schmitt I 4730 (A). – Hubay(Ottobeuren) 277 (A) . – Sack(Freiburg) 2292 (A). – Schäfer 218 (C). – Kind(Göttingen) 2352. – Walsh 3627, 3628. – Oates 2965 (C), 2966 (B), 2967 (A). – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1126 (B). – Pr 8016 (A). – BMC VIII 66 (A). – BSB-Ink L-284 (B). – GW M19478. – GW M19483
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Brussels, BR; Leuven, Univ.; Postel, O.Praem.. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Cambridge, Corpus Christi College; Cambridge, St John's College; Liverpool Athenaeum; London, Lambeth Palace; London, Westminster Abbey; Oxford, Magdalen College; St Andrews UL. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – EE: Tallinn Arch. – FR: Grenoble BM; Le Mans BM; Montpellier BM; Nice BM; Paris BN; Paris Mazarine; Rodez BM; Rouen BM; Toulouse BM; Troyes BM. – DE: Berlin SB; Darmstadt ULB; Freiburg i.Br. UB; Göttingen SUB; Köln USB; Mainz PriesterSem/MartinusB; München BSB; Ottobeuren BenediktAbtei; Stuttgart WLB. – IT: Bologna C; Bologna Coll di Spagna; Bologna U; Firenze N; Genova U; Milano Ambr; Milano N; Napoli N; Palermo C; Palermo R; Perugia C; Roma U; San Candido Coll; Trento C; Venezia N; Vercelli Agn. – PL: Gdańsk PAN; Kraków J. – PT: Lisboa BN. – RO: Alba Iulia Batthyaneum. – RU: St Petersburg NL. – SE: Stockholm RL; Uppsala UB. – CH: Aarau KantB. – US: Baltimore MD, The Walters Art Museum Library; Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine; Bryn Mawr College, Goodhart Medieval Library; Cambridge MA, Harvard College Library, Houghton Library; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; St Bonaventure Univ., Franciscan Institute; The Newberry Library; Univ. of Southern California, Univ. Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Macer Floridus :
De viribus herbarum carmen

[Geneva : Printer of Rolewinck, 'Fasciculus temporum' (Jean Belot?), between 1496 and 1498]. – 4°. – ISTC im00003000

Notes On the identity of the printer (designated by GW the Printer of the 'Fardelet du temps'), see H. Delarue in Genava 3 (1925) pp.297-307; on the chronology of the Genevan editions of Macer Floridus, see Delarue in Genava 2 (1924) pp.177-86. Lőkkös dates about 1496, CIBN not after 1498, Goff about 1500. Proctor assigned to Paris. FairMur(F) records a variant with the misprint 'cognoscere' in the penultimate line of the last page, also found in both BL copies with an additional misprint 'vire' in the first line of the poem on a2. Hillard supposes that H 10418 refers to a composite edition (HC 10418 is the Mazarine copy). Woodcuts. – In fact by Odo Magdunensis
Reference works Goff M3. – HC 10418?. – R 608. – FairMur(F) 669. – Klebs 637.2. – Klebs(H) a, c, f. – Lőkkös(Genève) 86. – CIBN M-4. – Hillard 1266. – Lefèvre 292. – Richard 323. – Lőkkös(Cat BPU) 274. – IGI 5921. – Pr 8489. – BMC VIII 371. – GW M19651
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 1995. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 12 - Medical Incunabula Part II, MI 61
Holdings AT: Zwettl, Zisterzienser. – GB: British Library; British Library; Edinburgh NLS; Eton College; Lampeter UL. – FR: Montpellier BIU; Niort BM; Paris BN; Paris Mazarine. – DE: Metten BenediktAbtei. – IT: Aosta Sem; Firenze Ist Bot; Modena Est; Roma N. – CH: Basel UB; Genève BPU. – US: Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection; Metropolitan Museum of Art, Department of Prints; Missouri Botanical Garden; National Library of Medicine; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum


Magistri, Martinus :
Quaestiones morales de fortitudine et de temperantia (Ed: Aegidius Delphus)

Paris : [Johannes Higman, for or with] Wolfgang Hopyl, 1489-90. – f°. – ISTC im00023000

Notes In two parts: I) De fortitudine, dated 1 Dec. 1489; II) De temperantia, dated 10 Oct. 1490. . – Polain(B) 2558A describes another issue naming Gerlier in the colophon instead of Hopyl, but still with Hopyl's device. Oates describes a copy with Meslier's device
Reference works Goff M23. – HC 10458. – C 3736 (I, var). – Cl II 68 & table 104. – Pell Ms 7399 (I), 7401 (7337) (II). – CIBN M-15. – Hillard 1279. – Aquilon 454. – Arnoult 993. – Buffévent 333. – Fernillot 373. – Lefèvre 294. – Parguez 671. – Péligry 514. – Torchet 607. – Castan(Besançon) 667. – Maignien(Grenoble) 383. – Polain(B) 2558 (I), 2558A (I, var), 4543 (II). – IGI 5949 (I), 5950 (II). – IBP 3502. – Sajó-Soltész 2127. – IDL 3036. – IBE 3648 (I), 3649 (II). – IBPort 1143. – Coll(S) 1303 (I). – Madsen 2573. – Lőkkös(Cat BPU) 278 (I), 279 (II). – Mendes 807, 808, 809, 810. – Martín Abad M-6. – Voull(B) 4740. – Schlechter-Ries 1230. – Günt(L) 2236 (I), 2237 (II). – Leuze(Isny) 147 (I), 148 (II). – Voull(Trier) 2300 (I), 2301 (II). – Sack(Freiburg) 2298 (I), 2299 (II). – Kind(Göttingen) 2353. – Walsh 3665 + 3667. – Oates 3024 (I). – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1137 (I). – Pr 8128 (I). – BMC VIII 132 (I). – BSB-Ink M-18. – BSB-Ink M-19 (var., Gerlier's device). – GW M19878
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Brugge, BGS; Brussels, BR; Mons, BU FP. – GB: Aberdeen UL; British Library; Cambridge UL; Cambridge, Emmanuel College; Cambridge, St John's College; Oxford, Jesus College. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Albi BM; Angers BM; Angers, Fonds de l'Evêché; Besançon BM; Bordeaux BM; Bourges BM; Carcassonne BM; Chartres BGd Séminaire; Grenoble BM; Lyon BM; Mende BM; Nantes BM; Paris BHVP; Paris BN; Paris Mazarine; Paris Sorbonne; Reims BM; Troyes BM. – DE: Göttingen SUB; Heidelberg UB; Isny NikolaiK; Leipzig UB; München BSB; München UB; Sankt Peter PriesterSem; Trier StB; Tübingen UB. – HU: Székesfehérvár Bibl episc. – IT: Bologna C; Cagliari U; Chiusi Della Verna Conv del Sacro Monte; Ferrara C; Firenze Maruc; Firenze N; Lonato Da Como; Milano Ambr; Napoli N; Padova Ant; Parma Pal; Roma U; Torino N; Vercelli Agn. – NL: Groningen UB; The Hague RL; Utrecht UB. – NZ: Auckland PL. – PL: Kraków J; Olsztyn Sem. – PT: Lisboa BN; Évora BPAD. – SE: Stockholm RL. – CH: Genève BPU; Lausanne BCU. – US: Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine; Brown Univ., Annmary Brown Memorial Collection; Folger Shakespeare Library; Library of Congress, John Boyd Thacher Collection; Library of Congress, Rare Book Division; San Marino CA, Huntington Library; The Newberry Library; Univ. of North Carolina Library; Vincennes Old Cathedral; Yale Univ., Beinecke Library. – VA: Vaticano BAV


Magistri, Martinus :
Tractatus consequentiarum

Paris : Félix Baligault, 20 Aug. 1494. – 4°. – ISTC im00023700

Reference works HC 10459. – Pell Ms 7397 (7335). – Hillard 1282. – Arnoult 994. – Polain(B) 2555. – GW M19854
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR; Gent, UB. – GB: British Library. – FR: Chaumont BM; Paris Mazarine. – CH: Basel UB


Magni, Jacobus :

[Paris : Ulrich Gering, Martin Crantz and Michael Friburger, about 1472-73]. – f°. – ISTC im00039000

Notes The author is also known as Jacques Legrand
Reference works Goff M39. – HCR 10473. – Klebs 595.1. – Cl(FPPr) xxi. – Sotheby's 12/13 May 1980 (Honeyman) lot 2105 . – Pell Ms 7091 (7042). – CIBN L-98. – Girard 310. – Aquilon 439. – Jammes L-5. – Péligry 517. – Maignien(Grenoble) 337. – IGI 5955. – IBE(Suppl) 6378 . – IBPort 1145. – Mendes 812. – Madsen 2574. – Bod-inc M-010. – Sheppard 6075. – Pr 7834. – GW M17656
Related resources IISTC. Copy: Lisboa N, INC. 393
Holdings GB: Edinburgh NLS; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley; Shrewsbury School. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Bordeaux BM; Bourges BM; Caen BM; Grenoble BM; Paris BN; Paris Inst. de France; Rodez BM. – IT: Napoli N. – PT: Lisboa BN. – CH: Basel UB


Maillardus, Oliverius :
Sermones de adventu. Sermones dominicales. Quadragesimales. Add: Sermones de stipendio peccati et gratiae praemio

Paris : Philippe Pigouchet, for Jean Petit, Jean Richard and Durand Gerlier, and Jacques Huguetan at Lyons, 1500. – 8°. – ISTC im00074000

Notes In three parts, dated: I) 7 May 1500; II) 26 June 1500; III) 14 Aug. 1500
Reference works Goff M74. – HC 10516*. – Pell Ms 7449-7450 and 7453 (7369). – CIBN M-30. – Hillard 1289. – Arnoult 1003. – Coq 360. – Girard 314. – Parguez 684. – Péligry 527. – Torchet 622. – Polain(B) 2569. – IDL 3047. – IBE 3675. – IGI 5975 (I), 5978 (III), 5980 (II). – Sajó-Soltész 2133. – SI 2503. – IBPort 1150. – Schmitt I 4753,5 (II). – Sallander 2308. – Madsen 2587, 2589, 2590, 2593. – Lőkkös(Cat BPU) 282, 285, 287. – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1148 (II), 1149 (III). – Bod-inc M-023. – Sheppard 6320. – Pr 8201, 8202, 8203. – BMC VIII 121. – BSB-Ink M-27. – GW M19996
Holdings AR: Córdoba (Argentina), Fund. Ferrer. – AT: Graz, FranziskanerZB. – BE: Brussels, BR; Gent, UB. – GB: British Library; British Library; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley; Oxford, Brasenose College. – DK: Copenhagen RL. – FR: Douai BM; Langres SHAL; Le Mans BM; Lyon BM; Paris BENSBA; Paris BN; Paris Mazarine; Reims BM; Toulouse, Jésuites; Valognes BM. – DE: Berlin SB; Bernkastel-Kues NikolHospital; Erlangen UB; Halberstadt Gleimhaus; Köln USB; Mainz GM/StB; München BSB; Nürnberg StB; Stuttgart WLB. – HU: Budapest Univ. – IT: Roma Antonianum; Roma Cors; Roma U. – NL: The Hague RL. – PT: Lisboa ACIEN. – SE: Uppsala UB. – CH: Basel UB; Genève BPU. – US: Baltimore MD, The Walters Art Museum Library; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; Trinity College, Watkinson Library; Univ. of Kansas, Spencer Library; Williams College, Chapin Library


Mancinellus, Antonius :
Epitoma seu regulae constructionis

Paris : [Pierre Le Dru], for Alexandre Aliate, [about 1498]. – 4°. – ISTC im00112400

Reference works C 3795. – GW M20248
Holdings FR: Paris Ste Geneviève. – CH: Luzern ZB


Mancinus, Dominicus :
Carmen de passione Christi. Add: Oratio ad Virginem

[Paris :, after 1500?]. – 4°. – ISTC im00153500

Notes IDL and Rhodes assign to Baligault, and Rhodes dates about 1498. According to CIBN the types are almost identical with those of Gaspard Philippe
Reference works C 3809. – Polain(B) 2580. – Pell Ms 7533 (7443). – CIBN M-61. – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 1159. – IDL 3060. – GW M2037826
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: ; Oxford, Queen's College. – FR: Paris BN. – NL: The Hague RL. – CH: Basel UB; Einsiedeln Benedikt


Matthaeus de Cracovia :
De modo confitendi et puritate conscientiae

Paris : Georg Mittelhus, [about 1496]. – 8°. – ISTC im00372450

Notes IBP records the format as folio. – Often attributed to Thomas Aquinas or Bonaventura (cf. P. Michaud-Quantin, Sommes des casuistique et manuels de confession au moyen-age, Louvain, 1962; CIBN)
Reference works Pell 960. – Polain(B) 4750. – CIBN M-232. – IBP 3648. – Girard 318. – GW M21741
Holdings BE: Namur, BUMP. – FR: Paris BN; Valognes BM. – PL: Warsaw N. – CH: Porrentruy BCant