Incunabula Short Title Catalogue (ISTC)

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Aesopus :
Vita, after Rinucius, et Fabulae, Lib. I-IV, prose version of Romulus [Latin]. Add: Fabulae, Lib I-IV (the metrical version of Anonymus Neveleti, i.e. Aesopus Moralisatus). Fabulae extravagantes. Fabulae novae (Tr: Rinucius). Fabulae Aviani. Fabulae collectae

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 26 Sept. 1486. – f°. – ISTC ia00114000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Woodcuts (193)
Reference works Goff A114. – HC 329. – Camp 26. – ILC 23. – Inv Ant 120. – Pell 210. – CIBN A-63. – Elliott-Loose 6. – Hillard 31. – Polain(B) 39. – IDL 90. – SI 46. – IGI 75. – Madsen 23, 24, T1. – Coll(S) 1125. – Louda 5. – Oates 3887. – Pr 9361. – BMC IX 187. – BSB-Ink A-68.050. – GW 349
Holdings AT: Wien, ÖNB. – BE: Antwerpen, MPM; Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; Edinburgh UL. – CZ: Olomouc VKn. – DK: Copenhagen KobbSa; Copenhagen RL. – FR: Paris BN; Paris Mazarine. – DE: Köln USB; Mainz GM/StB; Mettingen Draiflessen Collection; München BSB. – IT: Roma N. – NL: The Hague RL. – SE: Stockholm RL. – US: Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection; New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; Williams College, Chapin Library


Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis :
De arte loquendi et tacendi

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 4 Oct. 1484. – 4°. – ISTC ia00196000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.
Reference works Goff A196. – HCR 400. – Camp(II) 60 . – ILC 40. – Inv Ant 100. – CIBN A-98. – Elliott-Loose 12. – IDL 105. – Bod-inc A-084. – Pr 9354. – BMC IX 186. – GW 536
Related resources IISTC. Copy: The Hague RL, 150 B 35
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings GB: British Library; British Library; Chatsworth; Oxford Bodley; Stonyhurst College. – FR: Paris BN. – NL: Amsterdam UB; The Hague RL. – US: San Marino CA, Huntington Library


Albertanus Causidicus Brixiensis :
De arte loquendi et tacendi

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, June 1485. – 4°. – ISTC ia00197000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.
Reference works Goff A197. – C 151. – Camp 61. – ILC 41. – Inv Ant 106. – Pell 258. – CIBN A-99. – Elliott-Loose 13. – Polain(B) 62. – IDL(Suppl) 105a . – Oates 3882. – Rhodes(Oxford Colleges) 18. – Bod-inc A-085. – Sheppard 7208. – Pr 9357. – GW 537
Holdings BE: Antwerpen, Hendrik Conscience Library; Brussels, BR; Leuven, Univ.. – GB: Cambridge UL; London, Middle Temple; Oxford Bodley; Oxford, St John's College. – FR: Paris BN. – NL: The Hague RL. – US: New York, The Morgan Library and Museum; The Newberry Library


Albertus Magnus :
Liber aggregationis, seu Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium quorundam. Add: De mirabilibus mundi. Adelardus Bathoniensis: Quaestiones naturales. Quaestiones naturales philosophorum

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, about 1488]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00256400

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Dated from paper evidence (WILC). HPT dated about 1486-91
Reference works Goff A258. – HC 532. – C 166a. – Klebs 18.53. – Camp-Kron 81b. – ILC 58. – Pr(T) III 81A. – Inv Ant 58. – Polain(B) 4115. – Sajó-Soltész 91. – IDL 150. – Bod-inc A-117. – Sheppard 7199. – Pr 9407. – GW 666
Related resources IISTC. Copy: Amsterdam UB, N.I. 451
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Antwerpen, EHC. – GB: Oxford Bodley. – HU: Budapest Acad. – NL: Amsterdam UB. – US: The City College


Albertus Magnus :
Liber aggregationis, seu Liber secretorum de virtutibus herbarum, lapidum et animalium quorundam. De mirabilibus mundi; Parvum regimen sanitatis. Quaestiones naturales philosophorum

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, about 1491]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00259000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Polain dates about 1486
Reference works Goff A259. – C 175. – Klebs 18.47. – Camp(II) 80 . – ILC 61. – Polain(B) 74. – Inv Ant 85. – IDL 153. – Oates 3965. – BMC IX 184. – GW 660
Related resources IISTC. Copy: Brussels BR, INC A 1372
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR. – GB: British Library; Cambridge UL; London, Middle Temple. – DE: Schwerin LB. – NL: The Hague RL. – US: National Library of Medicine


Albertus Magnus :
Paradisus animae, sive Tractatus de virtutibus

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 14 Mar. 1489. – 4°. – ISTC ia00292000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Woodcut. – Pseudo- Albertus. On the authorship, see Verfasserlexikon 2 Bd.7 col.293-98
Reference works Goff A292. – HC 478. – Camp 77. – ILC 65. – SI 94. – Inv Ant 174. – Pell 310. – CIBN A-183. – Elliott-Loose 19. – Polain(B) 99. – IDL 157. – Voull(Trier) 2349. – Coll(S) 30. – Kind(Göttingen) 1841. – Oates 3916. – Bod-inc A-128. – Sheppard 7227. – Pr 9383. – BMC IX 192. – GW 705
Holdings AT: St. Paul, Benediktiner. – BE: Antwerpen, MPM; Brussels, BR; Gent, BS. – GB: British Library; British Library; Cambridge UL; Manchester JRL; Oxford Bodley. – CZ: Prague Kap. – FR: Colmar BM; Douai BM; Paris BN. – DE: Göttingen SUB; Hamburg SUB; Köln USB; Lübeck StB; Münster DiözB; Trier StB; Zwickau RatsSchB. – NL: 's-Hertogenbosch OFM; Amsterdam BPH; Maastricht SB; The Hague MMW; The Hague RL. – RU: St Petersburg NL. – SE: Stockholm RL. – US: San Marino CA, Huntington Library; Univ. of California, Bancroft Library


Albertus Magnus :
Secreta mulierum et virorum (cum commento)

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, about 1488]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00306000

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Dated on paper evidence (WILC). HPT dated between 1486 and 1491. – Pseudo- Albertus Magnus (Hillard 55)
Reference works Goff A306. – C 191. – Klebs 26.19. – Camp 87. – ILC 66. – Polain(B) 88. – Inv Ant 59. – Brussels exhib.1973, cat 168a . – Oates 3956. – GW 737
Related resources IISTC. Copy: Brussels BR, INC A 1871
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR; Tournai, Ville. – GB: Cambridge UL. – US: College of Physicians of Philadelphia


Albertus Magnus :
Secreta mulierum et virorum (cum commento)

[Antwerp : Mathias van der Goes, about 1487-88]. – 4°. – ISTC ia00306100

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – Dated from paper evidence (WILC). HPT dated about 1486-91. – Pseudo- Albertus Magnus (Hillard 55)
Reference works Goff A306a. – Klebs 26.21. – Camp-Kron 88b. – ILC 68. – Inv Ant 61. – Walsh 3932. – GW 739
Holdings DE: Aachen StB. – US: Boston, MA, Harvard University, Countway Library of Medicine


Alliaco, Petrus de :
Le Jardin amoureux [Dutch] Thoofkijn van devotien

Antwerp : Gerard Leeu, 28 Nov. 1487. – 4°. – ISTC ia00478250

Notes Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – For the attribution of this work (also known as Jardin de dévotion) to Petrus de Alliaco, see P.-Y. Badel, Pierre d'Ailly, auteur du "Jardin amoureux" in Romania, 97 (1976) pp.369-81 (CIBN A-251). – Woodcuts
Reference works Goff J217. – HC 8754. – Camp 985. – ILC 217. – Polain(B) 2238. – IDL 3609. – Inv Ant 142. – Oates 3897. – GW M11807
Related resources Microfiche: Primary Source Microfilm (an imprint of Cengage Learning), 2008. Incunabula: the Printing Revolution in Europe 1455-1500. Unit 69 - Printing in Dutch Part II, DU 89
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low Countries (WILC)
Holdings BE: Brussels, BR; Gent, UB; Leuven, Univ.. – GB: Cambridge UL. – NL: The Hague RL. – US: Library of Congress, Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection


Alliaco, Petrus de :
Le Jardin amoureux [Dutch] Thoofkijn van devotien

Antwerp : Roland van den Dorpe, 16 Apr. 1496. – 4°. – ISTC ia00478300

Notes 34 ff. Sig: a-e⁶, f⁴. 30 ll. 18 woodcuts (Goff). – Reproductions of the watermarks found in the paper used in this edition are provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, National Library of the Netherlands.. – For the attribution of this work (also known as Jardin de dévotion) to Petrus de Alliaco, see P.-Y. Badel, Pierre d'Ailly, auteur du "Jardin amoureux" in Romania, 97 (1976) pp.369-81 (CIBN A-251). – Woodcuts
Reference works Goff J218. – Camp-Kron 985b. – ILC 218. – Inv Ant 380. – Morg 1710. – GW M11806
Holdings US: New York, The Morgan Library and Museum