Albertus de Secinye, commissary: Indulgentia. For promoting the war against the Turks. -- [Rostock : Fratres Domus Horti Viridis ad S. Michaelem, about 1490]. -- Bdsde VE15 dates about 1490, GW Ms about 1490. -- Bibliographical References: VE15 A-101/10; J. Geiss, Ein unbekannter Türkenablass aus der Presse der Rostocker Fraterherren. In: Gb Jb 2004 pp.77-80 & fig.1 ; GW 0080320N ISTC Anselmus, S: Sententia determinativa. -- [Rostock : Fratres Domus Horti Viridis ad S. Michaelem, about 1476]. -- 8° Bibliographical References: Meltz 1; Ernst(Hannover) 69; GW 2037 ISTC Anselmus, S: Soliloquium Iubilaeum. -- [Rostock : Fratres Domus Horti Viridis ad S. Michaelem, about 1475]. -- 8° Bibliographical References: Meltz 2; GW 2038 ISTC Anselmus, S: Stimulus amoris. -- [Rostock : Fratres Domus Horti Viridis ad S. Michaelem, about 1475]. -- 8° In fact by Ecbertus Schonaugiensis (Verfasserlexikon 2 Bd.2 col 437). -- Bibliographical References: Meltz 3; GW 2039 ISTC Bernardus Claravallensis: Sermones super Cantica canticorum. -- Rostock : Fratres Domus Horti Viridis Ad S. Michaelem, 28 July 1481. -- f° Bibliographical References: Goff B427; HC 2856; GfT 30; Pell 2095; CIBN B-272; IDL(Suppl) 762a ; IBP 917; SI 665; Kotvan 204; Sajó-Soltész 567; Madsen 612; Meltz 4; Coll(S) 182; Coll(U) 283; Šimáková-Vrchotka 303; Ernst(Hildesheim) II,II 54; Voull(Trier) 1189; Voull(B) 1991; Borm 411; Hubay(Eichstätt) 164; Kind(Göttingen) 2007, 2008; Wilhelmi 135; BSB-Ink B-324.050; GW 3934 ISTC Bonaventura, S: De praeparatione ad missam. -- [Rostock : Fratres Domus Horti Viridis ad S. Michaelem, about 1476]. -- 8° Bibliographical References: Meltz 5; Ernst(Hannover) 118; GW 4666 ISTC Brandis, Lucas: Advertisement for several books printed in Venice, Mainz, Nuremberg, Cologne, Basel etc.. -- [Lübeck : Printer of Fliscus (Lucas Brandis?), about 1478-79]. -- Bdsde GW(Einbl) assigned to Rostock. -- Bibliographical References: VE15 B-67; TFS 1902Ea; Günt(L) 2547; GW(Einbl) 1269; Fac: Burger(Buchhändleran) 28 ; Collijn, Ettbladstryck I,1 p.7; GW 5013 ISTC Brandis, Lucas (?): Advertisement for sixteen books in Low Saxon, mostly printed at Lübeck by Steffen Arndes or Lucas Brandis [Low German]. -- [Lübeck : Printer of Fliscus (Lucas Brandis?), about 1488?]. -- Bdsde 4° Proctor assigned to Rostock. GW and Borchling & Claussen dated about 78-79. -- Bibliographical References: VE15 B-68; Borchling & Claussen 29; Collijn, Ettbladstryck I,1 p.3-22 & II fig.1; Coll(U) 386; SI 907; Madsen 854; I. Erfen, Schätze der Schwarzen Kunst ... Ausstellung Landesarchiv Greifswald, 1997 (Rostock, 1997) p.37 & fig.31 ; Günt(L) 1649; Voull(B) 1446,9; Schmitt I 1446,9; BMC II 552; GW(Einbl) 455; Fac: Burger(Buchhändleran) 31 ; Bruns-Lohmeier p.57 fig.32; GW 5014 ISTC Columna, Guido de: Historia destructionis Troiae [Low German] Historie von der verstoringe der stat Troye. -- [Lübeck : Printer of Fliscus (Lucas Brandis?), about 1478]. -- f° Proctor assigned to Rostock. -- Bibliographical References: Goff C781; HC 5520; C 1705; Camp 875; ILC B43; Borchling & Claussen 33; Nentwig 137; Voull(B) 1992; Walsh 944; Pr 2664; BMC II 551; GW 7240 ISTC Donatus, Aelius: Ars minor. -- [Rostock : Fratres Domus Horti Viridis ad S. Michaelem, about 1480]. -- f° Bibliographical References: Meltz 7; GW 8829 ISTC