Holding Institutions

holdinst/BColL Boston College Library

Boston College Library

Name der EinrichtungBoston College Library
AdresseChestnut Hill MA
ehemaliger Goff CodeStGML
Anmerkungincludes St Gabriel's Monastery [?]; also includes (2009) most of WarTSL (code changed) and StJnSL (code not changed)
Letzte Änderung2016-08-12 12:00:00

Boston College Library

Name der EinrichtungBoston College Library
AdresseChestnut Hill MA
ehemaliger Goff CodeStGML
Anmerkungincludes St Gabriel's Monastery [?]; also includes (2009) most of WarTSL (code changed) and StJnSL (code not changed)
Letzte Änderung2016-08-12 12:00:00