Early Bookowners in Britain

    3 Hits


    Epiphanius, bp of Constantia :
    Contra octoaginta haereses. Tr: Janus Cornarius

    Paris : Carole Guillard, 1544. – fº.

    Epiphanius, bp of Constantia : Contra octoaginta haereses. Tr: Janus Cornarius

    Epiphanius, bp of Constantia :
    Contra octoaginta haereses. Tr: Janus Cornarius

    Basel : Robertus Winterus, Sept. 1545. – fº.

    Epiphanius, bp of Constantia : Contra octoaginta haereses. Tr: Janus Cornarius

    Epiphanius, bp of Constantia :
    Contra octoaginta haereses. Tr: Janus Cornarius

    Basel : Robertus Winterus, Sept. 1543. – fº.

    Epiphanius, bp of Constantia : Contra octoaginta haereses. Tr: Janus Cornarius