British provenances from 1450 to 1550
Rouen : Nicolas le Roux for Francois Regnault in Paris (?), 1538. – 8º.
Bible. New Testament. Here begynneth the Pystles and Gospels of every Sonday and holy daye in the yereLondon : Edward Whitchurch, "5 Nov. 1547 ['1567']". – 8º.
Bible. Psalms. Selections. Deuout psalmes and colletes, gathered and set in suche order, as may be vsed for dayly meditacionsAntwerp : Simon Cowke, 1536. – 8º.
Bible. Selections. Storys and prophesis out of the holy scriptur, garnyschede wiih [sic] faire ymages, and with deuout praeirs