Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00003415 Proverbia communia [Latin and Dutch]

Proverbia communia [Latin and Dutch]

Datensatz ID00003415
TitelProverbia communia [Latin and Dutch]
Erscheinungsvermerk[Gouda : Gerard Leeu, between 1483 and 11 June 1484]
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff P1024, CA 1448a, Abbott 446

BibliothekDublin, Trinity, EE.3.37
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff B954, Goff M160, Goff L364, Goff P902
ProvenienzbeschreibungThomas Haward
Exemplar ID00007982

Proverbia communia [Latin and Dutch]

Datensatz ID00003415
TitelProverbia communia [Latin and Dutch]
Erscheinungsvermerk[Gouda : Gerard Leeu, between 1483 and 11 June 1484]
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff P1024, CA 1448a, Abbott 446

BibliothekDublin, Trinity, EE.3.37
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff B954, Goff M160, Goff L364, Goff P902
ProvenienzbeschreibungThomas Haward
Exemplar ID00007982