Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00003354 Vocabularius [French and English]

Vocabularius [French and English]

Datensatz ID00003354
TitelVocabularius [French and English]
ErscheinungsvermerkWestminster : [William Caxton, 1480]
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff V315, Duff 405, STC 24865

BibliothekDurham UL, Bamb.Sel.78
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff P863
ProvenienzbeschreibungEdwardus Harryngton de Rydlington Armiger me possidet and other sigs. of John and Edward Harrington. [Cf. Burke's Peerage: Edw., 2nd Baron H. of Exton, sheriff of Rutland 1635]
Exemplar ID00007152

Vocabularius [French and English]

Datensatz ID00003354
TitelVocabularius [French and English]
ErscheinungsvermerkWestminster : [William Caxton, 1480]
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff V315, Duff 405, STC 24865

BibliothekDurham UL, Bamb.Sel.78
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff P863
ProvenienzbeschreibungEdwardus Harryngton de Rydlington Armiger me possidet and other sigs. of John and Edward Harrington. [Cf. Burke's Peerage: Edw., 2nd Baron H. of Exton, sheriff of Rutland 1635]
Exemplar ID00007152