Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00003216 Rolewinck, Werner : Formula vivendi canonicorum

Rolewinck, Werner:
Formula vivendi canonicorum

Record Identifier00003216
TitleFormula vivendi canonicorum
Imprint[Alost : Thierry Martens, 1486-92] ;[1493-97]
NoteHPT left undecided the question whether this book was printed at Alost or at Antwerp
Bibliographic CitationGoff R286, Polain(B) 3385, BMC IX 128

LocationPML, 30780.(1-8)
Description of CopyGoff P909, Goff G243, Goff S874, Goff J57, Goff C895, Goff A197, Goff G234
Description of ProvenanceThomas Pygot, ord. fratrum heremitarum Abbas Eboracensis
Copy ID00006760

Rolewinck, Werner:
Formula vivendi canonicorum

Record Identifier00003216
TitleFormula vivendi canonicorum
Imprint[Alost : Thierry Martens, 1486-92] ;[1493-97]
NoteHPT left undecided the question whether this book was printed at Alost or at Antwerp
Bibliographic CitationGoff R286, Polain(B) 3385, BMC IX 128

LocationPML, 30780.(1-8)
Description of CopyGoff P909, Goff G243, Goff S874, Goff J57, Goff C895, Goff A197, Goff G234
Description of ProvenanceThomas Pygot, ord. fratrum heremitarum Abbas Eboracensis
Copy ID00006760