Vergilius Maro, Publius:
Opera (Comm: Servius). With a 13th Book added to the Aeneid by Maphaeus Vegius. Additional texts
Datensatz ID00003024
TitelOpera (Comm: Servius). With a 13th Book added to the Aeneid by Maphaeus Vegius. Additional texts
ErscheinungsvermerkVenice : Antonio di Bartolommeo da Bologna (Miscomini), "Oct.'1486', i.e. 1476"
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff V167, Pell Ms 11632, BMC V 240
BibliothekULC 1733
Provenienzbeschreibungon the chevrons of arms: Verus Celluy Je suis -- cf. Bodleian Lib. Record, III, 32, Aug.1951, p.178
Besonderheiteninitial on 2a illuminated, with arms of John Russell, chancellor of England
Exemplar ID00005085
BibliothekULC 1734
ProvenienzbeschreibungLiber constat willo Attewater, with his motto: *Vox domini super Aquas, pretio 2s. A late 17c hand says this was given by John Longland 1521-47
Exemplar ID00005086
BibliothekRCP D127/10
ProvenienzbeschreibungLiber ffratris Edmundi Collys anno dmi 1525. Nicholas Saunders (16c)
Besonderheitenwhite vine initial, illuminated, red and blue alternating rubrication
Exemplar ID00005216