Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00002353 Parentinis, Bernardus de : Expositio officii missae

Parentinis, Bernardus de:
Expositio officii missae

Datensatz ID00002353
TitelExpositio officii missae
ErscheinungsvermerkStrassburg : Johann (Reinhard) Grueninger], 31 Oct. 1487
AnmerkungAssignment to printer from BSB-Ink. Proctor suggested Prüss (or perhaps Drach), and BMC left the question undecided
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff P110, Pell Ms 9014, BMC I 169

BibliothekBodl., MS.BNC.c.14(2)
Beschreibung des ExemplarsEnglish ms., illum 1st page in Engl. style, red & blue rub., Brasenose MS.14 in H.Coxe Catalogus codicum mss.
ProvenienzbeschreibungThomas Lewis est possessor huius libri
VorbesitzerLewis, Thomas (early 16c) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004736

Parentinis, Bernardus de:
Expositio officii missae

Datensatz ID00002353
TitelExpositio officii missae
ErscheinungsvermerkStrassburg : Johann (Reinhard) Grueninger], 31 Oct. 1487
AnmerkungAssignment to printer from BSB-Ink. Proctor suggested Prüss (or perhaps Drach), and BMC left the question undecided
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff P110, Pell Ms 9014, BMC I 169

BibliothekBodl., MS.BNC.c.14(2)
Beschreibung des ExemplarsEnglish ms., illum 1st page in Engl. style, red & blue rub., Brasenose MS.14 in H.Coxe Catalogus codicum mss.
ProvenienzbeschreibungThomas Lewis est possessor huius libri
VorbesitzerLewis, Thomas (early 16c) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004736