Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00002266 Ockam, Guilielmus : In primum librum Sententiarum

Ockam, Guilielmus:
In primum librum Sententiarum

Datensatz ID00002266
TitelIn primum librum Sententiarum
ErscheinungsvermerkUrach : Conrad Fyner, 1483
AnmerkungAscribed by Proctor to Esslingen, by BMC to Urach. The printer introduced a system of textual reference by printing capitals at the top of columns, see C.F. Buehler, in Gb Jb 1936 pp. 63-8
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff O14, BMC II 612, Polain(B) 2905

BibliothekLambeth 1483.5
ProvenienzbeschreibungMinorites of Canterbury; Thomas Cranmer; Lumley
VorbesitzerCranmer, Thomas (1489-1556) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004021

Ockam, Guilielmus:
In primum librum Sententiarum

Datensatz ID00002266
TitelIn primum librum Sententiarum
ErscheinungsvermerkUrach : Conrad Fyner, 1483
AnmerkungAscribed by Proctor to Esslingen, by BMC to Urach. The printer introduced a system of textual reference by printing capitals at the top of columns, see C.F. Buehler, in Gb Jb 1936 pp. 63-8
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff O14, BMC II 612, Polain(B) 2905

BibliothekLambeth 1483.5
ProvenienzbeschreibungMinorites of Canterbury; Thomas Cranmer; Lumley
VorbesitzerCranmer, Thomas (1489-1556) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004021