Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00002168 Mirk, John : Liber festivalis [English]

Mirk, John:
Liber festivalis [English]

Datensatz ID00002168
VerfasserMirk, John
TitelLiber festivalis [English]
ErscheinungsvermerkOxford : Theodoricus Rood, 14 Oct. 1486
Anmerkung"The colophon reads; (1486), 'the day aftir seint Edward the kyng, and is taken by Duff and Oates to refer to St Edward the Confessor (whose translation was honoured on 13 Oct.), rather than to St Edward King and Martyr, honoured on 18 March (Madan, Pr)..."
Bibliogr. NachweisDuff 300, STC 17958, Sheppard 7506

BibliothekLambeth 1486.9
Exemplar ID00004140

BibliothekBodl., Arch.G.d.34
ProvenienzbeschreibungWyllyam Lytell hawes thys booke
VorbesitzerLytell, William (mid 16c) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005005

Mirk, John:
Liber festivalis [English]

Datensatz ID00002168
VerfasserMirk, John
TitelLiber festivalis [English]
ErscheinungsvermerkOxford : Theodoricus Rood, 14 Oct. 1486
Anmerkung"The colophon reads; (1486), 'the day aftir seint Edward the kyng, and is taken by Duff and Oates to refer to St Edward the Confessor (whose translation was honoured on 13 Oct.), rather than to St Edward King and Martyr, honoured on 18 March (Madan, Pr)..."
Bibliogr. NachweisDuff 300, STC 17958, Sheppard 7506

BibliothekLambeth 1486.9
Exemplar ID00004140

BibliothekBodl., Arch.G.d.34
ProvenienzbeschreibungWyllyam Lytell hawes thys booke
VorbesitzerLytell, William (mid 16c) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005005