Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00002073 Major, Johannes : In quatuor Evangelia expositiones

Major, Johannes:
In quatuor Evangelia expositiones

Datensatz ID00002073
TitelIn quatuor Evangelia expositiones
ErscheinungsvermerkParis : Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 19 June 1529
Bibliogr. NachweisAdams M235

BibliothekNLS, H.35.a.10
ProvenienzbeschreibungJohannes greynlaw hadingtonanus me possidet, with arms and initials below, *in spe
VorbesitzerGreenlaw, John (fl.1505-66) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005624

BibliothekSAUL, Typ.FP.B29BM
Provenienzbeschreibungverso of t.p. has elaborate iluminated neo-classical plaque reading: R.P. Guillel. Stevart. Episco: Aberdo: Thesaur.Reg.Scoto, and arms below. 2)Liber guliermi gordon episcopi aberdonensis
Besonderheitenilluminated border to t.p.
VorbesitzerStewart, William (fl.1533-1545) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005771

BibliothekEUL, Dd.3.12
Provenienzbeschreibungsigned by Henry Sinclair. Motto of Alexander Anderson: *Jhesus maria. In te Jhesu spes mea recumbit. Clement Little
VorbesitzerSinclair, Henry (1508-1565) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005948

BibliothekEUL, X8.a4
ProvenienzbeschreibungEx libris magistri Johannis manderston; another signature obliterated
Exemplar ID00006274

BibliothekSt. John's, F.1.17
Provenienzbeschreibungbequeathed to St. John's College by Thomas Paynell, 1564
Exemplar ID00007296

BibliothekUshaw, XVIII.B.6.7
ProvenienzbeschreibungNicolaus Marley
VorbesitzerMarley, Nicolaus (fl.1537-63) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00007452

Major, Johannes:
In quatuor Evangelia expositiones

Datensatz ID00002073
TitelIn quatuor Evangelia expositiones
ErscheinungsvermerkParis : Jodocus Badius Ascensius, 19 June 1529
Bibliogr. NachweisAdams M235

BibliothekNLS, H.35.a.10
ProvenienzbeschreibungJohannes greynlaw hadingtonanus me possidet, with arms and initials below, *in spe
VorbesitzerGreenlaw, John (fl.1505-66) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005624

BibliothekSAUL, Typ.FP.B29BM
Provenienzbeschreibungverso of t.p. has elaborate iluminated neo-classical plaque reading: R.P. Guillel. Stevart. Episco: Aberdo: Thesaur.Reg.Scoto, and arms below. 2)Liber guliermi gordon episcopi aberdonensis
Besonderheitenilluminated border to t.p.
VorbesitzerStewart, William (fl.1533-1545) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005771

BibliothekEUL, Dd.3.12
Provenienzbeschreibungsigned by Henry Sinclair. Motto of Alexander Anderson: *Jhesus maria. In te Jhesu spes mea recumbit. Clement Little
VorbesitzerSinclair, Henry (1508-1565) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005948

BibliothekEUL, X8.a4
ProvenienzbeschreibungEx libris magistri Johannis manderston; another signature obliterated
Exemplar ID00006274

BibliothekSt. John's, F.1.17
Provenienzbeschreibungbequeathed to St. John's College by Thomas Paynell, 1564
Exemplar ID00007296

BibliothekUshaw, XVIII.B.6.7
ProvenienzbeschreibungNicolaus Marley
VorbesitzerMarley, Nicolaus (fl.1537-63) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00007452