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ebob/00001740 Jacobus de Voragine : Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Add: Usuardus: Martyrologium

Jacobus de Voragine:
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Add: Usuardus: Martyrologium

Datensatz ID00001740
TitelLegenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Add: Usuardus: Martyrologium
ErscheinungsvermerkCologne : Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, 22 July 1490
Anmerkung"The date in the colophon reads 'in vigilia sanctissimorum trium Regum', interpreted by A. Labarre (GbJb 1975, pp. 77-80) as 22 July, but previously as 5 Jan. (CIPBN)"
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff J123, BMC I 229
Im selben BandUsuardus: Martyrologium

BibliothekQueen's, Sel.a.159
ProvenienzbeschreibungTho. Hutchinson pret. 4 s.
Exemplar ID00004405

BibliothekBL, IB.3615
Provenienzbeschreibungnotes relating to parish fees of Bishop's Cleeve, Gloucs., dated 1517 naming Richard Southall, John Miller, Robert Lawson, etc. signed at end Brochton (Prochton/Prockter). At end is Thomas hose sycke in body & hole in mynde make my wyll...
Exemplar ID00007887

Jacobus de Voragine:
Legenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Add: Usuardus: Martyrologium

Datensatz ID00001740
TitelLegenda aurea sanctorum, sive Lombardica historia. Add: Usuardus: Martyrologium
ErscheinungsvermerkCologne : Johann Koelhoff, the Elder, 22 July 1490
Anmerkung"The date in the colophon reads 'in vigilia sanctissimorum trium Regum', interpreted by A. Labarre (GbJb 1975, pp. 77-80) as 22 July, but previously as 5 Jan. (CIPBN)"
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff J123, BMC I 229
Im selben BandUsuardus: Martyrologium

BibliothekQueen's, Sel.a.159
ProvenienzbeschreibungTho. Hutchinson pret. 4 s.
Exemplar ID00004405

BibliothekBL, IB.3615
Provenienzbeschreibungnotes relating to parish fees of Bishop's Cleeve, Gloucs., dated 1517 naming Richard Southall, John Miller, Robert Lawson, etc. signed at end Brochton (Prochton/Prockter). At end is Thomas hose sycke in body & hole in mynde make my wyll...
Exemplar ID00007887