Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00001729 Jacobus de Theramo : Consolatio peccatorum seu Processus Belial

Jacobus de Theramo:
Consolatio peccatorum seu Processus Belial

Record Identifier00001729
TitleConsolatio peccatorum seu Processus Belial
ImprintLouvain : Johan Veldener, [between 7 Aug. 1474 and 1475]
NotePolain and BMC note errors in imposition in quire [c]: Polain describes a copy where the text proper to 8a, 9a, 10a has printed on 9a, 10a, 8a; BMC describes a copy where 3 a+b has printed on 2a+b, 8b on 9b and 9a on 10a
Bibliographic CitationPolain(B) 2178, BMC IX 136, Oates 3686

LocationULC 3312,3311,3686
Description of CopyGW 874, GW 10880
Description of ProvenanceHenry Barry; Dominicans of Dundee, James Haliburton
Copy ID00005161

Jacobus de Theramo:
Consolatio peccatorum seu Processus Belial

Record Identifier00001729
TitleConsolatio peccatorum seu Processus Belial
ImprintLouvain : Johan Veldener, [between 7 Aug. 1474 and 1475]
NotePolain and BMC note errors in imposition in quire [c]: Polain describes a copy where the text proper to 8a, 9a, 10a has printed on 9a, 10a, 8a; BMC describes a copy where 3 a+b has printed on 2a+b, 8b on 9b and 9a on 10a
Bibliographic CitationPolain(B) 2178, BMC IX 136, Oates 3686

LocationULC 3312,3311,3686
Description of CopyGW 874, GW 10880
Description of ProvenanceHenry Barry; Dominicans of Dundee, James Haliburton
Copy ID00005161