Bibliogr. NachweisGoff H486, Polain(B) 2003, BMC I 44
BibliothekAUL, Inc.3
ProvenienzbeschreibungMagister Jacobus birny. Liber alexander ogilby rectoris de duthall/ Liber pertinet magistro alex. ogilby de glasset 11 June 1545 (right year?)
Besonderheitenred and blue rub., woodcuts of plants colored
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff H486, Polain(B) 2003, BMC I 44
BibliothekAUL, Inc.3
ProvenienzbeschreibungMagister Jacobus birny. Liber alexander ogilby rectoris de duthall/ Liber pertinet magistro alex. ogilby de glasset 11 June 1545 (right year?)
Besonderheitenred and blue rub., woodcuts of plants colored