Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00001618 Higden, Ranulphus : Polycronicon. Tr: Johann de Trevisa. Continued for the years 1387 to 1460 by William Caxton

Higden, Ranulphus:
Polycronicon. Tr: Johann de Trevisa. Continued for the years 1387 to 1460 by William Caxton

Record Identifier00001618
TitlePolycronicon. Tr: Johann de Trevisa. Continued for the years 1387 to 1460 by William Caxton
ImprintWestminster : William Caxton, [after 2 July 1482]
Bibliographic CitationGoff H267, Duff 172, STC 13438

LocationBodl., S.Seld.d.7
Description of ProvenanceWilliam Myddelton
Physical Characteristicsred rub., chapter nos. and dates in red in similar fashion to Bodl., Douce 206, though prob. not be same hand
Former OwnerMyddleton, William (post 1514) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00004983

LocationBodl., Douce 206
Description of ProvenanceEllenor clyfford; Margaret Wynnyngetone
Physical Characteristicsred rub., chapter nos. and dates in red in similar fashion to Bodl., S.Seld.d.7, though prob. not be same hand
Former OwnerClifford, Eleanor (fl.1537-1547) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00004984

LocationEUL, Inc.234
Description of ProvenanceRobert Smyth, mid-late 16c
Physical Characteristicsrub. in red with chapter nos. in margin and sometimes subject headings also -- all by rubricator
Copy ID00005478

LocationNLW, IL W82
Description of Provenance1)Dompnus Johannes ley prior huius cenobii Custos huius libri/ A boke of seynct Werburge in chest. 2)Dompnus Thomas Clarke huius cenobii custos huius libri/ boke of seint Werburge in chestre. 3)Rychard Wryght of the Cytye of Chester Draper oethe thys boke
Physical Characteristicsred rub.
Former OwnerLee, John (fl.1516) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00006808

LocationBL, IB.55060
Description of Provenance4-line verse in 16c hand beginning: Anthony Perrens yf you lyst to hear / Loveth ale but had rather have bere on f.24.6v
Physical Characteristicsrubricated
Copy ID00007966

LocationBL, IB.55059
Description of Provenancesubscription of a letter signed John Burton; preamble to will of Robert Whithead; amen per me Wyllyam sam[]; traces of erased signature beginning with letter R
Physical Characteristicsrubricated
Copy ID00007967

LocationBL, IB.55058
Description of Provenance4-line of verse in Welsh in 16c hand beginning Dydd y farn dydd kadarn. According to Old Royal Lib. cat., this belonged to Henry VIII (although DeR(C) 49:26 says Henry VII)
Physical Characteristicsrubricated
Copy ID00007968

LocationShuckburgh copy-N.D.Martin?
Description of ProvenancePresens liber pertinet ad William Purde, emptus a Willelmo Caxton Regis Impressor vicessimo Novembris anno regni Regis Edwardi quarti vicessimo secundo (1482) [as per BMC proofs]1,733.00 4001Duff 6BL, IB.55523R.Johnson precium xiid 1520 (on last leaf)641.00 4002Adams B3303Camb., St.John's S.5.24Ex provisione Johannis Morton monachi precentoris Eccl. Cathedralis Sancti Swythuni Winton. 1518 (Baker no.114; MLGB 316)136.00 4003STC 23885.3BL, C.48.i.5noneGeorgius Codd codex [isum?] (crossed through) with his mark and GC. Godfridi Hopkinson sum liber (italic hand of mid 16c, poss. later). Written in one hand: parson Martyn, parson Chatterton, parson Southwark, parson Tailor, parson Blythe1,736.001,737.00 4004Goff R108BL, IA.6668Robert bymane(?) and verse in mid 16c hand: I do remeber this thyng wych I have larnd...; tomas scribbled on a4r
Copy ID00008000

Higden, Ranulphus:
Polycronicon. Tr: Johann de Trevisa. Continued for the years 1387 to 1460 by William Caxton

Record Identifier00001618
TitlePolycronicon. Tr: Johann de Trevisa. Continued for the years 1387 to 1460 by William Caxton
ImprintWestminster : William Caxton, [after 2 July 1482]
Bibliographic CitationGoff H267, Duff 172, STC 13438

LocationBodl., S.Seld.d.7
Description of ProvenanceWilliam Myddelton
Physical Characteristicsred rub., chapter nos. and dates in red in similar fashion to Bodl., Douce 206, though prob. not be same hand
Former OwnerMyddleton, William (post 1514) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00004983

LocationBodl., Douce 206
Description of ProvenanceEllenor clyfford; Margaret Wynnyngetone
Physical Characteristicsred rub., chapter nos. and dates in red in similar fashion to Bodl., S.Seld.d.7, though prob. not be same hand
Former OwnerClifford, Eleanor (fl.1537-1547) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00004984

LocationEUL, Inc.234
Description of ProvenanceRobert Smyth, mid-late 16c
Physical Characteristicsrub. in red with chapter nos. in margin and sometimes subject headings also -- all by rubricator
Copy ID00005478

LocationNLW, IL W82
Description of Provenance1)Dompnus Johannes ley prior huius cenobii Custos huius libri/ A boke of seynct Werburge in chest. 2)Dompnus Thomas Clarke huius cenobii custos huius libri/ boke of seint Werburge in chestre. 3)Rychard Wryght of the Cytye of Chester Draper oethe thys boke
Physical Characteristicsred rub.
Former OwnerLee, John (fl.1516) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00006808

LocationBL, IB.55060
Description of Provenance4-line verse in 16c hand beginning: Anthony Perrens yf you lyst to hear / Loveth ale but had rather have bere on f.24.6v
Physical Characteristicsrubricated
Copy ID00007966

LocationBL, IB.55059
Description of Provenancesubscription of a letter signed John Burton; preamble to will of Robert Whithead; amen per me Wyllyam sam[]; traces of erased signature beginning with letter R
Physical Characteristicsrubricated
Copy ID00007967

LocationBL, IB.55058
Description of Provenance4-line of verse in Welsh in 16c hand beginning Dydd y farn dydd kadarn. According to Old Royal Lib. cat., this belonged to Henry VIII (although DeR(C) 49:26 says Henry VII)
Physical Characteristicsrubricated
Copy ID00007968

LocationShuckburgh copy-N.D.Martin?
Description of ProvenancePresens liber pertinet ad William Purde, emptus a Willelmo Caxton Regis Impressor vicessimo Novembris anno regni Regis Edwardi quarti vicessimo secundo (1482) [as per BMC proofs]1,733.00 4001Duff 6BL, IB.55523R.Johnson precium xiid 1520 (on last leaf)641.00 4002Adams B3303Camb., St.John's S.5.24Ex provisione Johannis Morton monachi precentoris Eccl. Cathedralis Sancti Swythuni Winton. 1518 (Baker no.114; MLGB 316)136.00 4003STC 23885.3BL, C.48.i.5noneGeorgius Codd codex [isum?] (crossed through) with his mark and GC. Godfridi Hopkinson sum liber (italic hand of mid 16c, poss. later). Written in one hand: parson Martyn, parson Chatterton, parson Southwark, parson Tailor, parson Blythe1,736.001,737.00 4004Goff R108BL, IA.6668Robert bymane(?) and verse in mid 16c hand: I do remeber this thyng wych I have larnd...; tomas scribbled on a4r
Copy ID00008000