Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00001333 Fitzherbert, Anthony : The boke of husbandry. Add: De jure

Fitzherbert, Anthony:
The boke of husbandry. Add: De jure

Datensatz ID00001333
TitelThe boke of husbandry. Add: De jure
ErscheinungsvermerkLondon : Thomas Berthelet, 1535
Bibliogr. NachweisSTC 10995.5
Im selben BandDe jure

BibliothekBodl., 70.c.103
Beschreibung des ExemplarsSTC 26072, STC 11917, STC 11011, STC 7717
Provenienzbeschreibung1)Roger lloyd is the true onor of this book witness by me Rowlat Williams. 2)ffoulke Lloyd is the true owner of this booke wittness by mee Robb Wynne de Nantglyn (late 16c), Liber Roberti [] de plas Na[]
VorbesitzerLloyd, Roger (mid 16c) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00006782

Fitzherbert, Anthony:
The boke of husbandry. Add: De jure

Datensatz ID00001333
TitelThe boke of husbandry. Add: De jure
ErscheinungsvermerkLondon : Thomas Berthelet, 1535
Bibliogr. NachweisSTC 10995.5
Im selben BandDe jure

BibliothekBodl., 70.c.103
Beschreibung des ExemplarsSTC 26072, STC 11917, STC 11011, STC 7717
Provenienzbeschreibung1)Roger lloyd is the true onor of this book witness by me Rowlat Williams. 2)ffoulke Lloyd is the true owner of this booke wittness by mee Robb Wynne de Nantglyn (late 16c), Liber Roberti [] de plas Na[]
VorbesitzerLloyd, Roger (mid 16c) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00006782