Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00001112 Duns Scotus, Johannes : Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum (Ed: Thomas Penketh and Bartholomaeus Bellatus)

Duns Scotus, Johannes:
Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum (Ed: Thomas Penketh and Bartholomaeus Bellatus)

Datensatz ID00001112
TitelQuaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum (Ed: Thomas Penketh and Bartholomaeus Bellatus)
ErscheinungsvermerkNuremberg : Anton Koberger, [14]81
AnmerkungIn four parts, dated: I) [14]81; II) 23 Apr. [14]81; III) [14]81; IV) 19 May [14]81. Frequently found with the Quodlibeta (Goff D394) and in BMC treated as one edition
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff D380, GW 9074, BMC II 419

BibliothekEton DDg.7.3
Beschreibung des Exemplarswith Goff D-394
Exemplar ID00004161

BibliothekCorpus Christi, phi.B.3.2
Provenienzbeschreibunggiven by Richard Foxe
VorbesitzerFoxe, Richard (c1448-1528) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004338

BibliothekAll Souls, L.R.5.i.4(1)
Provenienzbeschreibunggiven by Robert Elyot
VorbesitzerElyot, Robert (d.1498) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004339

BibliothekYork Minster X.A.7
Beschreibung des Exemplarswith Goff D394
ProvenienzbeschreibungThomas Castell, monachi Dunelm
Besonderheitencap. strokes & para. marks in red, some oxidized, major initials in green, violet and orange wash, blue & red alternating smaller initials
VorbesitzerCastell, Thomas, Jr (fl.1494-1511) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004672

BibliothekChrist Church, HYP.I.84
Provenienzbeschreibunggiven by Thomas Parris
Besonderheitenred rub., red & blue initials, penwork major initials with dog figure
VorbesitzerParris, Thomas (c1534-1558) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004683

BibliothekSAUL, Typ.GN.A81KD2
ProvenienzbeschreibungLiber magistri John Doless. Nunc autem ex dono eiusdem spectans ad communitatem bibliothecam collegii sancti leonardi
Besonderheitenred rub., lacks major initials
VorbesitzerDolace, John (d.c1500) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005519

BibliothekSAUL, Typ.GN.A81KD
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff D394
ProvenienzbeschreibungJohannes Adeson
Besonderheitenfirst initial illuminated, ruled in red and blue
VorbesitzerAdamson, John (d.1523) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005536

BibliothekDurham, Chapter Lib. Inc.21b
Besonderheitenred and blue caps. and rub.
Exemplar ID00005836

BibliothekCamb., Corpus Christi, EP.M.3
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff D394
Exemplar ID00007085

Duns Scotus, Johannes:
Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum (Ed: Thomas Penketh and Bartholomaeus Bellatus)

Datensatz ID00001112
TitelQuaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum (Ed: Thomas Penketh and Bartholomaeus Bellatus)
ErscheinungsvermerkNuremberg : Anton Koberger, [14]81
AnmerkungIn four parts, dated: I) [14]81; II) 23 Apr. [14]81; III) [14]81; IV) 19 May [14]81. Frequently found with the Quodlibeta (Goff D394) and in BMC treated as one edition
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff D380, GW 9074, BMC II 419

BibliothekEton DDg.7.3
Beschreibung des Exemplarswith Goff D-394
Exemplar ID00004161

BibliothekCorpus Christi, phi.B.3.2
Provenienzbeschreibunggiven by Richard Foxe
VorbesitzerFoxe, Richard (c1448-1528) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004338

BibliothekAll Souls, L.R.5.i.4(1)
Provenienzbeschreibunggiven by Robert Elyot
VorbesitzerElyot, Robert (d.1498) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004339

BibliothekYork Minster X.A.7
Beschreibung des Exemplarswith Goff D394
ProvenienzbeschreibungThomas Castell, monachi Dunelm
Besonderheitencap. strokes & para. marks in red, some oxidized, major initials in green, violet and orange wash, blue & red alternating smaller initials
VorbesitzerCastell, Thomas, Jr (fl.1494-1511) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004672

BibliothekChrist Church, HYP.I.84
Provenienzbeschreibunggiven by Thomas Parris
Besonderheitenred rub., red & blue initials, penwork major initials with dog figure
VorbesitzerParris, Thomas (c1534-1558) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00004683

BibliothekSAUL, Typ.GN.A81KD2
ProvenienzbeschreibungLiber magistri John Doless. Nunc autem ex dono eiusdem spectans ad communitatem bibliothecam collegii sancti leonardi
Besonderheitenred rub., lacks major initials
VorbesitzerDolace, John (d.c1500) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005519

BibliothekSAUL, Typ.GN.A81KD
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff D394
ProvenienzbeschreibungJohannes Adeson
Besonderheitenfirst initial illuminated, ruled in red and blue
VorbesitzerAdamson, John (d.1523) → CERL Thesaurus
Exemplar ID00005536

BibliothekDurham, Chapter Lib. Inc.21b
Besonderheitenred and blue caps. and rub.
Exemplar ID00005836

BibliothekCamb., Corpus Christi, EP.M.3
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff D394
Exemplar ID00007085