Dialogus creaturarum moralisatus
Record Identifier00001021
TitleDialogus creaturarum moralisatus
ImprintGouda : Gerard Leeu, 31 Aug. 1482
NoteAscribed to Nicolaus Pergamenus on the basis of Paris BN Ms. lat 8512, and to the Milanese doctor Mayno de Mayneriis on the basis of a ms. at Cremona C, supported by local references in the text. (Pio Rajna, Intorno al cosidetto Dialogus creaturarum..p.75
Bibliographic CitationGoff N154, Polain(B) 4317, BMC IX 35
LocationBodl., Auct.N.4.17
Description of CopyGoff G675
Description of ProvenanceElizabeth .. ladwell wydowe, Thomas Moore, Elizabeth Gibbes, 16-17c
Physical Characteristicsnone
Copy ID00004945