Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00001020 Dialogus creaturarum moralisatus

Dialogus creaturarum moralisatus

Record Identifier00001020
TitleDialogus creaturarum moralisatus
ImprintGouda : Gerard Leeu, 3 June 1480
NoteAscribed to Nicolaus Pergamenus on the basis of Paris BN Ms. lat 8512, and to the Milanese doctor Mayno de Mayneriis on the basis of a ms. at Cremona C, supported by local references in the text.
Bibliographic CitationGoff N151, Polain(B) 1263, Pell Ms 8390 (8312)

LocationULC 3391
Description of ProvenancePertinet hic liber [...] nicolao alexander [ordinis fra]trum praedicatorum conventus warwicii ex dono magistri Robarti tompson doctoris cuius animae propicietur deus. abnego ego dns Nicolaus Alexander papam et affirmo regem nostrum Henricum oct. ...
Former OwnerThompson, Robert (fl.1498-1533) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00005162

LocationQuaritch 1887 II, 12146
Description of Provenancesigs. of Thomas Ireland, Robert Thacker, Nicholas Stokes, and Bartholomew Kirkbye written c1490 to 1570, Ireland being the earliest (also listed in Quaritch cat. VI)
Former OwnerIreland, Thomas (15-16c) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00007998

Dialogus creaturarum moralisatus

Record Identifier00001020
TitleDialogus creaturarum moralisatus
ImprintGouda : Gerard Leeu, 3 June 1480
NoteAscribed to Nicolaus Pergamenus on the basis of Paris BN Ms. lat 8512, and to the Milanese doctor Mayno de Mayneriis on the basis of a ms. at Cremona C, supported by local references in the text.
Bibliographic CitationGoff N151, Polain(B) 1263, Pell Ms 8390 (8312)

LocationULC 3391
Description of ProvenancePertinet hic liber [...] nicolao alexander [ordinis fra]trum praedicatorum conventus warwicii ex dono magistri Robarti tompson doctoris cuius animae propicietur deus. abnego ego dns Nicolaus Alexander papam et affirmo regem nostrum Henricum oct. ...
Former OwnerThompson, Robert (fl.1498-1533) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00005162

LocationQuaritch 1887 II, 12146
Description of Provenancesigs. of Thomas Ireland, Robert Thacker, Nicholas Stokes, and Bartholomew Kirkbye written c1490 to 1570, Ireland being the earliest (also listed in Quaritch cat. VI)
Former OwnerIreland, Thomas (15-16c) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00007998