Christine de Pisan:
Faits d'armes et de chevalerie [English]. Translated from the French by William Caxton
Datensatz ID00000831
TitelFaits d'armes et de chevalerie [English]. Translated from the French by William Caxton
ErscheinungsvermerkWestminster : William Caxton, 14 July 1489
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff C472, GW 6648, Duff 96
BibliothekBodl., Douce 180
Provenienzbeschreibungquesto libro he de thomaso vatis et guillelmo duchetti et de loro amici, a loro datta per me ant. Brovne Inghilese; Thomas Watts
Exemplar ID00004988
BibliothekBodl., S.Seld.d.13
ProvenienzbeschreibungThas is will ffrakeley Boke; Willm Rolenson 1566; Nicholas Gorson, 1566
Exemplar ID00004989
BibliothekULC 4107
Beschreibung des Exemplarsformerly with Goff G316, Goff V199, Goff C430, GW 6589
ProvenienzbeschreibungR. Johnson. prec. iis viiid. 1510
Exemplar ID00005178
BibliothekNLW, IL W89
Exemplar ID00006849
BibliothekGoettingen, 2o Ars mil.220/9
ProvenienzbeschreibungJames Horswell of Plymouth. Later 16c sigs. were Sir Wm. Drury, John Newdegate, etc (see M.Nickson notes for these and later owners)
Exemplar ID00007992