ProvenienzbeschreibungElezabeth Aske. Thys bouke be loyng unto mstrys lyee of framtun be syed bostun in holland/Thys boke ys master' Cassander ley. (mid 16c:) Robert Wythm, [-] Gerlyntone, per me christoferum fotherbiene de normanbie in comitatu linconnln...'
ProvenienzbeschreibungElezabeth Aske. Thys bouke be loyng unto mstrys lyee of framtun be syed bostun in holland/Thys boke ys master' Cassander ley. (mid 16c:) Robert Wythm, [-] Gerlyntone, per me christoferum fotherbiene de normanbie in comitatu linconnln...'