Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00000668 Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry

Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry

Datensatz ID00000668
TitelBook of Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry
ErscheinungsvermerkSt. Albans : Schoolmaster Printer, 1486
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff B1030, GW 4932

BibliothekULC 4214
ProvenienzbeschreibungRobert Yomanson ye parson of Stretton in the field com. Derb. 1540
Exemplar ID00005189

BibliothekBL, G.10547
ProvenienzbeschreibungElezabeth Aske. Thys bouke be loyng unto mstrys lyee of framtun be syed bostun in holland/Thys boke ys master' Cassander ley. (mid 16c:) Robert Wythm, [-] Gerlyntone, per me christoferum fotherbiene de normanbie in comitatu linconnln...'
Besonderheitenred rub.
Exemplar ID00008263

Book of Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry

Datensatz ID00000668
TitelBook of Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry
ErscheinungsvermerkSt. Albans : Schoolmaster Printer, 1486
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff B1030, GW 4932

BibliothekULC 4214
ProvenienzbeschreibungRobert Yomanson ye parson of Stretton in the field com. Derb. 1540
Exemplar ID00005189

BibliothekBL, G.10547
ProvenienzbeschreibungElezabeth Aske. Thys bouke be loyng unto mstrys lyee of framtun be syed bostun in holland/Thys boke ys master' Cassander ley. (mid 16c:) Robert Wythm, [-] Gerlyntone, per me christoferum fotherbiene de normanbie in comitatu linconnln...'
Besonderheitenred rub.
Exemplar ID00008263