Birgitta, S:
Revelationes. With foreword by Johannes de Turrecremata and Matthias de
Datensatz ID00000597
TitelRevelationes. With foreword by Johannes de Turrecremata and Matthias de
ErscheinungsvermerkLübeck : Bartholomaeus Ghotan [for Wadstena Monastery, before 25 Nov.] 1492
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff B687, GW 4391, BMC II 554
BibliothekYork Minster XII.S.9
Besonderheitenred underlining, red or yellow cap. strokes
Exemplar ID00004118
BibliothekQueen's, 57.B.1
ProvenienzbeschreibungOrate pro anima Thome Cooke peccatoris huius libri...
Exemplar ID00004265
BibliothekBodl., Auct.1Q.1.6
ProvenienzbeschreibungEdward Rowse would owe this booke
Besonderheitencuts hand-colored and illuminated
Exemplar ID00004755
BibliothekGloucester CL, 11.2.15
ProvenienzbeschreibungWilliam Horman; given to Gloucester CL by Henry, Margaret and Joyce Brett. See L. & W. Hellinga, The Edition of Augustinus Confessiones by Richard Pafraet (1483) GbJb 1961, pp.49-54, and Ker, MMBL II p942n.
Exemplar ID00007685
BibliothekBL, IB.9861
ProvenienzbeschreibungLiber Thome Boleyn. Lumley
Exemplar ID00008015