Biblia latina
Datensatz ID00000482
TitelBiblia latina
ErscheinungsvermerkVenice : Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, 30 Apr. 1484
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff B580, GW 4255, BMC V 304
BibliothekAUL, Inc.95
ProvenienzbeschreibungM. Alexander anderson primariis collegii Aberdonensis, *In te Jesu spes me recumbit
Besonderheitenred and blue rub.
Exemplar ID00005310
BibliothekNLS, Inc.144.3
ProvenienzbeschreibungJames Baillye, late 16c
Besonderheitenred rub.
Exemplar ID00005372
BibliothekDurham, Chapter Lib. Inc.23
Provenienzbeschreibunginscriptions in text in mid-16c hand including names John Taylor, Thomas Cokayn and Elizabeth Brome or Brume, mentioning manors of Haddon and Harthill (5 miles apart, Derby-Warws). Harthill in Cokayne fam. since Edw.II, Haddon seat of Vernon fam. ...
Besonderheiteninitials capital in red, blue and green, rub. in red and blue
Exemplar ID00005822
BibliothekGUL, Dp.e6
Provenienzbeschreibungandreas dauidson 1539. Previously William Frere of the Austin Friars, London, and on 26th Oct. 1521, James Andrew, also of Austin Friars, London
Exemplar ID00006040