Berengarius de Landora:
Lumen animae (Ed: Matthias Farinator)
Datensatz ID00000441
TitelLumen animae (Ed: Matthias Farinator)
ErscheinungsvermerkStrassburg : "Printer of the 1481 'Legenda Aurea'", 22 Mar. 1482
AnmerkungThe text is also treated an anonymous (Goff) and found under the editor's name
Bibliogr. NachweisGoff L396, BMC 1 97, Polain(B) 1468
BibliothekLambeth 1482.5
ProvenienzbeschreibungConstat Tho. Welkynston
Exemplar ID00004005
BibliothekAll Souls, w.1.infra 9
ProvenienzbeschreibungLumen anime Patricius Holyburton Archidiaconus Totton. Given by John Moore
Exemplar ID00004436
BibliothekBL, IB.1257,IB.5845
Beschreibung des ExemplarsGoff J391
ProvenienzbeschreibungLiber m. hugonis Fraunce (on first and last pages of volume). John Sterkym /John Sterk (later 16c). Lumley
Besonderheitenred rub.
Exemplar ID00007864