Early Bookowners in Britain

ebob/00000437 Berchorius, Petrus : Repertorium morale (Ed: Johannes Beckenhaub)

Berchorius, Petrus:
Repertorium morale (Ed: Johannes Beckenhaub)

Record Identifier00000437
TitleRepertorium morale (Ed: Johannes Beckenhaub)
ImprintNuremberg : Anton Koberger, 4 Feb. 1499
NoteThe date 4 February in the colophon is suspected by BMC and GW since it also occurs in the preceding edition of 1489
Bibliographic CitationGoff B341, GW 3867, BMC II 445

LocationSt. John's, A.9.5-7
Description of ProvenanceN. Brigami liber est, perlege, claude, vale
Physical Characteristicsnone
Copy ID00004253

LocationUshaw XVII.E.4.3-5
Description of ProvenanceLiber Johannis Tutynge 1542; Raphe Blaxsham (late 16c)
Former OwnerTutyng, John (fl.1538-1560) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00004835

LocationLeeds UL, Ripon XVII.H.14-15
Description of Provenancevol. 3: *Gloria laus et honor tibi sit rex ch.
Physical Characteristicsnone
Copy ID00005439

Berchorius, Petrus:
Repertorium morale (Ed: Johannes Beckenhaub)

Record Identifier00000437
TitleRepertorium morale (Ed: Johannes Beckenhaub)
ImprintNuremberg : Anton Koberger, 4 Feb. 1499
NoteThe date 4 February in the colophon is suspected by BMC and GW since it also occurs in the preceding edition of 1489
Bibliographic CitationGoff B341, GW 3867, BMC II 445

LocationSt. John's, A.9.5-7
Description of ProvenanceN. Brigami liber est, perlege, claude, vale
Physical Characteristicsnone
Copy ID00004253

LocationUshaw XVII.E.4.3-5
Description of ProvenanceLiber Johannis Tutynge 1542; Raphe Blaxsham (late 16c)
Former OwnerTutyng, John (fl.1538-1560) → CERL Thesaurus
Copy ID00004835

LocationLeeds UL, Ripon XVII.H.14-15
Description of Provenancevol. 3: *Gloria laus et honor tibi sit rex ch.
Physical Characteristicsnone
Copy ID00005439