accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Ebermann, Vitus
[Person] . – 1597 - 1675 . – cnp00942467
Erbermann, Veit
[Person] . – 1597 - 1675 . – cnp02449479
Kraussold, Hermann
[Person] . – 1821 - . – cnp02364306
Merck, Johann
[Person] . – 1577 - 1658 . – cnp00353129
Neumeister, Johann Valentin
[Person] . – 1723 - 1800 . – cnp02268992
Rotenhan, Gottfried von
[Person] . – 1838 - 1915 . – cnp02441143
Rotenhan, Gottfried ¬von¬
Rotenhan, Julius von
[Person] . – 1805 - 1882 . – cnp00554121
Rotenhan, Julius ¬von¬
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