accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Carabelli, Francesco
[Person] . – 1737 - 1774 . – cnp02066017
Fabri, Alessandro
[Person] . – 1691 - 1768 . – cnp01303971
Fontana, Luigi
[Person] . – 1824 - 1894 . – cnp02119922
Poggi, Antonio
[Person] . – 1806 - 1875 . – cnp02214489
Pozzi, Carlo Luca
[Person] . – 1734 - 1812 . – cnp01198873
Pozzi, Familie : 17. Jh.-19. Jh.
[Person] . – cnp02040792
Pozzi, Francesco
[Person] . – 1704 - 1789 . – cnp01139837
Pozzi, Giuseppe
[Person] . – 1732 - 1811 . – cnp01198875
Salterio, Carlo
[Person] . – 1605 - 1670 . – cnp02057049
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