accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
[Person] . – cnp02285146
Achtmark, Mauritius
[Person] . – - 1755 . – cnp02285825
Ackermann, Franz Konrad, Lic. iur. utr., Edler von Waizenfeld
[Person] . – cnp02285147
Aichele, Andreas
[Person] . – - 1790 . – cnp02285179
[Person] . – cnp02285162
[Person] . – cnp02285161
[Person] . – cnp02285170
Almshofer, Heinrich
[Person] . – - 1472 . – cnp02285487
App, Marian
[Person] . – - 1689 . – cnp02285800
Auchter, Blasius
[Person] . – - 1768 . – cnp02285263
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