accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Caepolla, David
[Person] . – 1593 - 1603 . – cnp01117841
Füssel, Martin
[Person] . – 1529 - 1600 . – cnp00610892
[Person] . – 1615 - 1629 . – cnp00610890
Hanisius, Georg
[Person] . – 1574 - 1612 . – cnp00515651
Junius, Samuel
[Person] . – 1585 - 1602 . – cnp01103037
Preuß, Maximilian
[Person] . – 1596 - . – cnp01109241
Schardius, Levin
[Person] . – 1638 - 1699 . – cnp00436878
Scultetus, Fabian
[Person] . – 1576 - 1596 . – cnp01112235
Wendler, Franz
[Person] . – 1569 - 1621 . – cnp01115654
Wolfgang, von Debitsch
[Person] . – 1596 - . – cnp01116252
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