accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Albinus, Christoph
[Person] . – cnp01041418
Ansorgius, Christoph
[Person] . – 1596 - . – cnp01124169
Becker, Valentin
[Person] . – 1559 - 1607 . – cnp01108934
Behr, Joseph
[Person] . – 1565 - 1604 . – cnp00413076
Berelius, Jacob
[Person] . – 1566 - 1607 . – cnp01875915
Bergemannus, Thomas
[Person] . – 1595 - . – cnp01110841
Blanckenburg, Lorenz
[Person] . – 1588 - 1591 . – cnp01115022
Bolfras, Michael
[Person] . – 1551 - 1599 . – cnp01117035
Boner, Benjamin
[Person] . – cnp00473739
Brandius, Johannes
[Person] . – 1587 - . – cnp01117310
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