accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
[Person] . – 1520 - 1578 . – cnp02266756
Curio, Johann
[Person] . – 1512 - 1561 . – cnp01326903
Decullant, Jean
[Person] . – 1576 - 1577 . – cnp01119390
[Person] . – 1572 - 1574 . – cnp01119446
Finé, Oronce
[Person] . – 1494 - 1555 . – cnp01881119
Guerthaeus, Guiliel. Antonius
[Person] . – 1589 - . – cnp01123102
Henisch, Georg
[Person] . – 1549 - 1618 . – cnp01919799
Katsch, Johann
[Person] . – 1538 - 1598 . – cnp01875717
[Person] . – 1572 - 1574 . – cnp01108260
Perelle, Jean
[Person] . – 1589 - . – cnp01108304
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