accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Apian, Petrus
[Person] . – 1495 - 1551 . – cnp01347892
Faber, Wenzeslaus
[Person] . – 1455 - 1520 . – cnp00350996
Hero, Albertus
[Person] . – 1549 - 1589 . – cnp00505226
Johannes, aus Glogau
[Person] . – 1502 - 1518 . – cnp01102805
Nuñez, Pedro
[Person] . – 1502 - 1578 . – cnp00402797
Pierio Valeriano, Giovan Pietro
[Person] . – 1477 - 1558 . – cnp01114677
Stadler, Johannes
[Person] . – 1569 - . – cnp01112937
Tockler, Konrad
[Person] . – 1470 - 1530 . – cnp00369230
Villalta, Donato
[Person] . – 1581 - 1594 . – cnp01114929
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