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Custis, George Washington Parke
[Person] . – 1781 - 1857 . – cnp02076884
Custis, George Washington Parke
[Person] . – 1710 - 1785 . – cnp02379367
Dandridge, Frances Jones
[Person] . – 1738 - 1799 . – cnp02379392
Washington, Charles
[Person] . – 1736 - 1787 . – cnp02379391
Washington, John Augustin
Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis
[Person] . – 1731 - 1802 . – cnp00549645
Washington, Martha Dandridge Custis
[Person] . – 1708 - 1789 . – cnp02256242
Washington, Mary Ball
[Person] . – 1739 - 1740 . – cnp02379393
Washington, Mildred