accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Bertin, Georges
[Person] . – 1500 - 1699 . – cnp00999979
Brandmüller, Johannes
[Person] . – 1533 - 1596 . – cnp01303227
Call., Aug.
[Person] . – 1587 - . – cnp01117906
LeDuchat, Louis-François
[Person] . – 1591 - 1600 . – cnp01104472
Lebey de Batilly, Denis
[Person] . – 1551 - 1607 . – cnp01023436
Lect, Jacques
[Person] . – 1556 - 1611 . – cnp01326328
Molitor, Johannes
[Person] . – 1561 - 1631 . – cnp01106509
Morelot, Marc
[Person] . – 1587 - 1593 . – cnp01106835
O. B. C.
[Person] . – 1595 - . – cnp01107655
P. N. D.
[Person] . – 1595 - . – cnp01108906
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