accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Bohier, Nicolas
[Person] . – 1469 - 1539 . – cnp01875518
Casoni, Francesco
[Person] . – 1594 - . – cnp01303669
Cucalón, Jerónimo
[Person] . – 1500 - 1599 . – cnp00944786
Decio, Filippo
[Person] . – 1454 - 1535 . – cnp01363173
Descousu, Celse Hugues
[Person] . – 1480 - 1540 . – cnp01366955
Dinus Mugellanus
[Person] . – 1253 - 1303 . – cnp01890218
Du Moulin, Charles
[Person] . – 1500 - 1566 . – cnp01330110
Scheur, Hubert von
[Person] . – 1572 - 1573 . – cnp01111387
Scheur, Hubert ¬von¬
Vadi, Benedetto
[Person] . – 1500 - 1599 . – cnp01240791
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