accessing the record of Europe's book heritage
Aurpach, Johann
[Person] . – 1531 - 1582 . – cnp01466587
Benckendorf, Wolfgang
[Person] . – 1556 - 1564 . – cnp01109915
Denner, Christoph
[Person] . – 1559 - . – cnp01119458
Fürst, Albert
[Person] . – 1568 - 1593 . – cnp01121749
Gailkircher, Johann
[Person] . – 1543 - 1621 . – cnp01879855
Gameren, Hannard van
[Person] . – cnp00957269
Jacobaeus, Veit
[Person] . – cnp00961533
Julius, Christoph
[Person] . – 1556 - 1567 . – cnp01102996
Kistenus, Arnold
[Person] . – 1569 - . – cnp01103460
Loescher, Abraham
[Person] . – 1548 - 1594 . – cnp01104937
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